Made in the USA

I remember looking for my first job and being able to go just about anywhere to start part time after school. A laundromat, a pharmacy, a sub shop.  I remember working full time in what I called a computer warehouse – where the receipts from major department stores were processed by hand.  My aunt worked in the Black & Decker manufacturing plant making the tools so many loved.  I had so many friends that had parents who worked in textiles, designing and sewing clothing.  I remember working on a farm during the summers as a young adult.

I remember when I was growing up watching the TV commercials telling us to “look for the made in USA label.  Everyone was proud to say they bought American.  From clothing to autos to tools and furniture.

I have to ask myself  – What Happened?

Today, looking for that first job is a job in itself.  More and more companies are off shoring work and if they think it helps our economy, they are sadly mistaken.  Many of you may have seen the video – how not to hire American seen here:

I again have to ask Why?

Could this attitude be the reason many young people starting out have the attitude – why bother?  Could this attitude be the reason we don’t see those commercials anymore?  could this be why so many have concerns over our unemployment rate and at the same time the rate of illegal immigration into our country?

Work being sent offshore even affects our education system.  Many kids nowadays feel they have no need to go to college because they do not plan on ever working overseas.  Why pay for an education when the jobs that require it are no longer here?

I mean even our pet food is made overseas.  Our toys are produced overseas.  Why?  Is it because of better quality – No.  It is because it costs less to produce, and in some cases, as evidenced by global recalls – less quality.

Why can’t someone somewhere put the money here to begin a business that will produce jobs that will produce quality products with a label – Made in the USA?  Why can’t every nation, use their residential resources to build their economy by using their natives to develop their products and be proud to do it? Why is the first place people look to save a buck off shore?

Now don’t get me wrong.  I am all for the best possible people to do the best possible job.  Just don’t tell me you can’t find it within our shores.

I am sure money earned is better than no money earned.  Ask those people on the unemployment line.  They would be proud to work  and earn anything and would be proud they produced anything that read – Made In America.  Don’t tell me you can’t find educated, skilled, reliable, professional and Proud Americans to work for you.  I know different.

I am proud to own and operate an entirely US company.  Many people may off shore their work to save a buck.  What they choose to do is up to them.  I prefer to be able to say – my work – it was Made in the USA.

Why is a Great US Transcriptionist Important? I Will Tell You Why.

In this day and age, many professionals find the process of having their words transcribed in an accurate and detailed manner one of the toughest parts of their profession.  Many US professionals feel that off-shoring the audio for transcription is cost-effective, however the accuracy is lost due to the misunderstanding of the English language and the various manners in which people speak. They may save money on the transcription, but place more time and money into the editing of the transcripts.

Those in the medical field are finding that insurance companies and hospital administrators are demanding all items be dictated and transcribed, documenting every treatment, decision and prescription.  Having this completed and documented in the patient’s chart in a timely fashion is pertinent to the care and treatment of patients for several reasons:

In dealing with patients who have any type of disorder, having the written document of instructions, treatment plan etc helps the physician know that their patient understands what is going on in their care after they leave the appointment.  It affords the physician the knowledge that he has covered all bases available and given the detailed instructions, assisting in any liability claims he may come across in the future.  It allows all parties involved to document and review care given and projected treatment and assessments of the patient so that other medical professionals do not have to redo testing and treatments that may have already been done.

A journalist/writer/author must have their audio transcribed clearly and accurately so the truth in their work is unquestionable and forthright.  Transcribing  this audio accurately not only gives the author the ability to use the words and develop a terrific story, but it also shows the “flavor” of the spoken word and the attitude, and even in some cases the experience of the speaker, allowing the author/writer to “showcase” that in their work.

A great transcriptionist will take the audio of a client, tape or electronically recorded, and develop their reports noting every detail that has been dictated.  They will review the transcripts and if there appears to be a “problem” (example – medication dose, frequency, name of source, or inaudible word/phrase, etc) they will transcribe what is dictated but will flag this for the client to review.  They will review and proof their work so that the client can then review and verify accuracy and completeness, possibly finding a “hole” in the story and be able to follow through.

A great transcriptionist takes pride in their abilities and spends a lot of time and money to hone their trade and continue the learning process as well as maintain their equipment and programs to stay on top of the demanding needs of their clients.

A great US transcriptionist is important to our US clients in order to provide the best possible project, and the ability to negotiate our rates to accommodate  our clients is just part of what a great transcriptionist considers part of their job.

If you haven’t tried a US Transcriptionist lately, maybe you should.  We are here and we are not going anywhere…

A 100 Watt Light Bulb Moment – Voice Mail – No Problem

Have your voice mail transcribe by a US owned and operated transcription company for the same cost as other companies (Service starts 4/1/2010).  Contact me now to set up your account!

I have spent a lot of time marketing my transcription company and all the possibilities we can do for you.  I have added programs and system to allow me to accept just about every type of audio file out there at any time day or night – and get them transcribed for you with quality in a timely fashion.  I thought I had it covered, then a client/friend gave me a light bulb moment.

This light bulb moment allows me to expand my business and features I currently offer clients.  Will I make a fortune – probably not.  But if it helps my clients, and new clients, get on with their day and meet their own goals – then I have a win-win situation going all the way around.

I researched and found that YES, I can do this too.  I can offer the service to those who have their voice files transcribed for a comparable rate and return the transcripts to them in a comparable time frame as those other companies that do it, and with any luck, with better quality.

So I had a light bulb moment.  As of April 1, 2010, CLK Transcription, Inc. will in fact offer transcription of voice mail as a separate feature from the everyday transcription of seminars, conferences, interviews, phone conversations, webinars, and everything else audio that we handle.

For existing clients, the voice mail would be noted on your regular invoice with the number of calls and total billed in addition to the usual transcription we do for you.  For new clients, if you choose to only have your voice mail transcribed, your invoice will show the number of calls transcribed and the total billed in an easy to read format.

Contact me to set up your account today.  This service will begin April 1, 2010.   And yes, if you refer a friend to CLK Transcription during March 2010, there is still a $5.00 reward for both you and your referral (for their first over $15.00 and your next invoice period.)

And finally, thanks to flipping the light switch for me – you know who you are!!!!

Yes, it will be a new undertaking and a new path on my journey, but one I look forward to taking.

If interested in this new service  provided by CLK Transcription effective 4/1/2010, contact me at

A Transcriptionist’s Path…The Journey of a Woman in Business

I have not always been a transcriptionist/transcription company owner.

When I was younger I thought how wonderful it would be to be a teacher.  Then I began to write and thought it would be wonderful to have my poetry published, and when I did, it was great but I had to be honest with myself – not everyone likes poetry and my writing style is not polished and I did not have the patience to polish it in order to support myself and a family.  I still wanted to do those things, but had to understand how to do both in a way that was suitable for me and my skills.

My “career” path led me to try my hand at equestrian registration and monitoring, banking and brokerage, and health care – and then ultimately transcription.  I have not always been a transcriptionist/transcription company owner, but the path I took has assisted me in my journey and beyond.

I started in The Jockey Club many moons ago.  My first REAL job – registering thoroughbred horses for racing, and working on their export/import documentation.  During that time, while working my part-time job at a Burger King, I was approached by an employment agency executive and asked to apply for a position he had at Daiwa Securities America.  He told me he saw something in me that would make me shine.  (Thanks Mario S. for giving me a real shot.)  I LOVED it.  I worked my way up and held a position as assistant compliance/new accounts/registration administrator and got to know people from all over the world in all areas of business and finance.  The people were fantastic, the job was wonderful and educational, and I was respected for the work I did.

After an illness, I found myself in awe of the medical industry.  Not for the hands-on side.  I knew I did not have the talent for that.  I appreciate and hold great respect for those who have this gift, and a gift it is, but I could never do what they do.  But I do have a talent for organization, research, record management, and an eye for detail in documentation.  So I handled medical charts for home care agencies, handled their reconciliations of receipts/payments, scheduled home care workers…and again found that I loved the job.  It was while doing this that I found my mentors.

Barbara Rossoff and Michele Tiger of Omega Home Health Care taught me so much and allowed me to grow both personally and professionally.  They allowed me to see that the one thing I wanted to do with my career was to own my own business and to do what I know I can do well – research and record management, utilize my skill for details and documentation.   I wanted to be a proud professional woman in business owning and running my own business.

Yes, there were jobs held consecutively and other jobs here and there that have given me the experience I needed to move on to my goal- and each one taught me more.  They were never medial to me. I took many continuing education courses, seminars, attended conferences, read everything I could get my hands on, on every topic I could think of…wanting to know something about everything…nothing was considered mundane or boring.  I wanted to explore the English language – the spoken word – the why and how they were used – the meaning of each one used individually and each one used with others in the thoughts of many.  I wanted to learn the many facets of documentation and the importance of the details that others require in their profession.  I worked hard to grow professional and personally.  I kept my goal in sight.

Now as a transcription company owner, I can use the path I took and each personal lesson learned along the way to better myself.  I can manage my own books and records.  I can organize my life, my office, and my home environment where it works best for me.  I can use the path to assist me with the transcriptions I do – the job I do,  to better what I offer my clients.

If I get an interview or conference or seminar with a topic on banking – I know where to start.  Health care or medical reports – I got that covered.  The details of the format requested and why it MUST be done the way it is requested.  The importance of documenting and detailing the words of others.  Everyday conversations about anything – it all means more to me.  I listen to the words and understand what is being said – not just each word spoken that forms a sentence.  I learned that what people say and HOW they say it are equally important.  And what I don’t know – I have the research skills to find it or the ability to admit that I can’t.  I know I have a base of professionals to guide me through the process and I know how to use the tools given me to do the best I can.

My path has led me to where I am today.  I pull from my path daily to attempt to give my clients the best product possible.

And teaching  is still with me.  I assist transcriptionists who are independent contractors, who have their dream and who have spent time and money to start their path in this wonderful career choice we have made.   I enjoy growing with them

The most important part of my path was the ability to understand that perfection is a dream and not a goal, so when I miss my mark, I work to improve and correct my steps, but I understand I will trip and sometimes fall.  My goal is to remember that and just do my best and get up and keep on learning during my journey.

My path may have begun in one direction and made many turns along the way – but each turn has created a new resting place for a bit of knowledge that I can go back and rely on, and the path has made the journey all that much more exciting. I am a proud professional woman in business.

I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Transcriptionist – it’s not just what I do – it is who I am!!!!!

Follow, Friend, Connections…

I am positive that social media can keep us in touch with those we care about in a direct but less intrusive way than say a weekly coffee clutch with a family member/friend that after 5 minutes you wish you could show the door…I mean we love them but…

I am positive that social media can also help businesses grow.  They can educate us on items we thought we knew or didn’t think we should know.  They can be our best friends for our company’s growth and reputation.  It can talk more about our work than the actual work itself in some cases.

I am selective on who I follow on Twitter.  I am selective on who I “friend” on Facebook.  I am even more selective on my connections with LinkedIn.  Why you ask?

Because Facebook is friends and family with a smattering of people I associate with for my business.  I added professional people to this after trying to keep it just family and friends (always cautious when I mix the personal with business) but adding the professionals and “knowing” them and their “thoughts” as well as the information they share adds to my research library for the work I may end up doing for them.  I also find many of them to be really great and fascinating people regardless of whether I will ever work for them again (but please send work).

If they interview about a new drug, a celebrity, lifestyle possibility, financial opportunities, great museums, parenting topics, a new marketing strategy, et cetera, chances are they also mentioned it on FB and I can find that seemingly unintelligible word somewhere in the information they posted.

LinkedIn is just for clients or potential clients.  I certainly would not my friends and family coming on there and mentioning how they saw me at the grocery store with my hair a mess and no makeup on…it is irrelevant to the business plan I have for myself.  I like the idea my clients, past and present, can post a recommendation (or not) and I have a central location to send people to rather than request it repeatedly when necessary.  My clients are too busy to interrupt for a recommendation every month, so… I also find I can more effectively talk about my business and my business plan with other professionals without “personality” coming through from others who think they may be doing me a favor.

Twitter is a different animal.  I do follow my business associates, and theirs (as many as I can find) – I enjoy being able to spread their words and their opinions – especially if I agree although not mandatory.   I follow friends because it is a quick update one their day without having to pick up the phone and talk for hours on end.  And again, it gives me insight into their personalities better than the “watch what I say” attitude on FB.  I follow others who I have found to have similar interests, similar attitudes, and just plain interesting Tweets.

Twitter also allows me to market to a wider audience IF my tweets happen to get re-tweeted or mentioned elsewhere.  I have not been so lucky with this so far, but lucky enough I have to say.  But I Tweet what means most to me and what I find interesting and what someone somewhere might find interesting.  I certainly do not care if the world does not revolve around my Tweets, but an occasional mention here and there is enough to start.

I am also positive that there are just some things I don’t need to know…for my business or for me personally or even for my friends and colleagues.  Much of this is found only on Twitter because of the vast amount of Tweets sent on any given day – hell any given minute.  I also know that unlike LinkedIn or FB, if you don’t follow people, they can get downright offended on Twitter.  But seriously folks, why would I follow someone who just wanted to share minute by minute their day, when I don’t know them or anything about them except that they walk down this street, talk to this person, and eat this food.  And I certainly do not need to know how big their “deck” is, or who they slept with last night.  I promise I won’t share this with you either – and not because my life is so uninteresting either – just because I really don’t think too many out there will care either.

So, yes I am selective on who I follow and who I friend and who I connect with.   I am not saying you have to say something constructive to me all the time, or meaningful to me personally all the time – but something that would be interesting to others I know so I can reTweet or repost…something that may come in handy in the future, something that makes me go “hum”, something that teaches me something about something I knew little about, something to lift my day – just something about SOMETHING once in a while would be nice.   Just splash it in between the other Tweets and you will have my attention.

Oh and of course, if you need a transcription of your words – it doesn’t matter what you say, I am here to help.  I will even follow you and repost, retweet, and help in the marketing of  it for you.

Because in the end, the idea that you said it and I transcribed it MAY just get passed along as well.  Because isn’t that what social media marketing is all about anyway?  You want what you say to be talked about – positive or negative?  I know I want what I say to be talked about.  And we both want what we do to be known.  And no one needs to know that you slept with a celebrity want-to-be and regretted it.  That can be our secret.  (See my views on confidentiality)

Happy Social Media Connections, Friending, and Tweeting everyone.  Hope to read you soon.


In my business, confidentiality is a must.  I believe that all business has some areas of confidentiality that must be maintained.

Recently I have come across individuals that feel everything in business should be known – legal, contractual, employment, etc.  At the same time they will state that legal, contractual and employment information should remain confidential – of course when it applies to something they are involved with only.  Double Standard – ABSOLUTELY.

The shareholders, or members of a corporation are entitled to information, however ensuring accurate and detailed and complete information is given is utmost importance.  When confidentiality is breached – the risk of misinformation inaccurate information, and personal attitudes added to the information is rampant.  Information – whether it is a corporates board meeting, a journalists writings, or a topic of a round table discussion should only be provided by those who can maintain the integrity of the information and only when they want the information released.

I believe when confidence is destroyed by a breach – any and all cost associated with the fallout should be the responsibility of the breacher.

Whether the information is sensitive or not is not the issue.  If it is deemed confidential – regardless of someone else’s opinion of the information – it should remain confidential until such time the release will do no harm – big or small.

This information should never be released without full knowledge of any board, administration or legal entity, or any originator of the work, and when released should be released in full detail in an unbiased manner, and with the attitude of author/developer of the material only.

In my world, promising confidences is giving my word and my integrity.   My work depends on it, and so does the work of my clients.

So, when asked – do I sign a  confidentiality agreement – YOU BET.  But my confidence is implied with any project I accept, whether you have an agreement or not.

Recruiting Clients and Projects.

For the months of October and November – new referrals – whether referred by another journalist already affiliated with CLK, or referred by Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or this blog – will receive $5.00 off their first invoice of $15.00 or more.   If referred by a journalist already affiliated with CLK, that journalist will get the same $5.00 off their next invoice.

I am constantly recruiting new clients and projects.  Being a hyper small to midsized business owner with aspirations to become a larger sized business owner, it is a necessary thing to do.   It is also necessary to remain competitive as well as keep my rates low, so I resort to the marketing strategies that I have learned from the very clients that I service.

When transcribing for them I learn so much – from round table discussions on the most current medical research and oncology, to how plastic bottles may not be good for your child, to how best to use social media to grow your business.

When we transcribe, we do not only type what we hear, but we try to understand what we are hearing as well so that the final transcript makes sense and is not just a garbled mess of words spoken by a fast talking, false starter, hesitant thinking, bad connection, low volume speaker.   Some projects take a bit longer due to quality of audio, but the added bonus is we learn from it as well.

Do we make errors?  Yes.  Regrettably we do.  But we learn from them as well.  And we always take the criticism just as graciously as we take the recommendations.  I did not have to admit that – but I did…We may not be perfect but we are one of the best US transcription companies out there.

So, I am recruiting new clients and projects again. To grow, to learn, and to assist.  New clients must want quality transcripts.  Must have audio that ranges form 1 minute to 10 hours or more.  Must have audio that ranges from clear to difficult on a range of subjects – and yes, ESL speakers are fine.  Must have tight TATs or room to breath TATs.  PDF conversions are fine too.  We even do voice mail!

Must be willing to be communicated with throughout the project if necessary.  And most of all must want to have their transcripts done for less in most cases, and quickly to help you meet your deadline.

So I repeat – For the months of October and November – new referrals – whether referred by another journalist already affiliated with CLK, or referred by Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or this blog – will receive $5.00 off their first invoice of $15.00 or more.   If referred by a journalist already affiliated with CLK, that journalist will get the same $5.00 off their next invoice.

Now some may say $5.00 doesn’t seem like a lot of money – but in today’s market $5.00 is quite a bit of money for those of us who understand a dollar saved here and a dollar saved there is money in the bank.  And saving money on our already reasonable rates and getting a service that saves you time is priceless.

Want to know more about CLK?  Visit, or you may view our recommendations at  We are also on Twitter @clk_shortcake and Facebook CarolLee Streeter Kidd.

Contact me for details.  We can start your project – big or small immediately.  And remember to mention where you heard about us and save even more.

Happy Fall everyone.  Hope to speak with you soon and possibly assist you with your transcription needs.