Recruiting Clients and Projects.

For the months of October and November – new referrals – whether referred by another journalist already affiliated with CLK, or referred by Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or this blog – will receive $5.00 off their first invoice of $15.00 or more.   If referred by a journalist already affiliated with CLK, that journalist will get the same $5.00 off their next invoice.

I am constantly recruiting new clients and projects.  Being a hyper small to midsized business owner with aspirations to become a larger sized business owner, it is a necessary thing to do.   It is also necessary to remain competitive as well as keep my rates low, so I resort to the marketing strategies that I have learned from the very clients that I service.

When transcribing for them I learn so much – from round table discussions on the most current medical research and oncology, to how plastic bottles may not be good for your child, to how best to use social media to grow your business.

When we transcribe, we do not only type what we hear, but we try to understand what we are hearing as well so that the final transcript makes sense and is not just a garbled mess of words spoken by a fast talking, false starter, hesitant thinking, bad connection, low volume speaker.   Some projects take a bit longer due to quality of audio, but the added bonus is we learn from it as well.

Do we make errors?  Yes.  Regrettably we do.  But we learn from them as well.  And we always take the criticism just as graciously as we take the recommendations.  I did not have to admit that – but I did…We may not be perfect but we are one of the best US transcription companies out there.

So, I am recruiting new clients and projects again. To grow, to learn, and to assist.  New clients must want quality transcripts.  Must have audio that ranges form 1 minute to 10 hours or more.  Must have audio that ranges from clear to difficult on a range of subjects – and yes, ESL speakers are fine.  Must have tight TATs or room to breath TATs.  PDF conversions are fine too.  We even do voice mail!

Must be willing to be communicated with throughout the project if necessary.  And most of all must want to have their transcripts done for less in most cases, and quickly to help you meet your deadline.

So I repeat – For the months of October and November – new referrals – whether referred by another journalist already affiliated with CLK, or referred by Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or this blog – will receive $5.00 off their first invoice of $15.00 or more.   If referred by a journalist already affiliated with CLK, that journalist will get the same $5.00 off their next invoice.

Now some may say $5.00 doesn’t seem like a lot of money – but in today’s market $5.00 is quite a bit of money for those of us who understand a dollar saved here and a dollar saved there is money in the bank.  And saving money on our already reasonable rates and getting a service that saves you time is priceless.

Want to know more about CLK?  Visit, or you may view our recommendations at  We are also on Twitter @clk_shortcake and Facebook CarolLee Streeter Kidd.

Contact me for details.  We can start your project – big or small immediately.  And remember to mention where you heard about us and save even more.

Happy Fall everyone.  Hope to speak with you soon and possibly assist you with your transcription needs.

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