A few of my favorite little things. Keep your diamonds and gems. I don’t want them.

I woke up this morning to my son making breakfast, making coffee, and baking brownies.  I thought I was in the wrong house.  Now don’t get me wrong, my sons, both of them are incredible, and they have their moments where they really make me glow, but to wake up earlier than me and start breakfast for me and make coffee for me, on top of cleaning dishes – that was amazing.   I figure my boys are not typically mushy anymore now that they are grown, so it was his way of saying he is thankful for me.


If there is any other reason, I do not want to know it.  I am happy thinking the way my brain processed it.


I grew up in a difficult household, with a difficult family, so the grand gestures of affection and all that go with it have become to mean nothing to me over the years.  They were always done for a reason, a cost – usually emotional prices that I paid to be able to get a glimmer of hope for something little for myself too.


Over time I came to realize the little things mean so much more.  They are usually not thought out, spontaneous, and are like drunken conversations – what is really meant and true to the heart.  Do you know what I mean?


The breakfast in bed just because, the pouring of a cup of coffee because I am too busy, the call just to say “Hi” and did I make it home safe, the walking of the dog so I can sleep in.  Those kinds of things. The real love, attention and affection and respect that just happens in your day to day life for no reason except that you are.


With every friendship and relationship – personal and professional, the little things are more and more important and what those little things are differ from person to person, moment to moment.   Just a reminder that we are significant to each other and we are thought of.  The little things.   We love each other.   We like each other.  We enjoy each other.  We respect each other.


My girlfriends certainly can’t bring me coffee in bed, but they do call to say hi, and send a joke through e-mail at just the right moment.  They know when to chat me up because I am feeling especially blue.  And I do the same.


My clients can’t have casual conversations over coffee with me, but they can respect my team’s hard work to continue to send us work and make referrals, and we can offer them our best always.


My team can’t work for free, but they can give me and our clients the best they have, and I can thank them for their best and appreciate them all.


My lover can’t always be the one I can bitch to, but he can always take a moment to say ‘hey I missed you’ or ‘I was thinking of you yesterday’.  He may want to move mountains for me, but knows that sometimes the best thing would be to teach me to move them myself when things need to be done.  He can make me laugh, and I can show him I care by being there for him as well, with a smile in my eyes if not on my face.


My parents couldn’t give me the world as most parents want to, but they did teach me that I can have it if I work hard enough for it.  Even if that lesson comes from reverse psychology and seeing what I didn’t want to be.  My world is mine, and I can show them I appreciate it by living my life and being a strong independent woman, a good mother, a hard worker, and a good friend.  I can understand and appreciate how the tribulations of my childhood, made me who I am today.


My siblings can’t be there everyday, close and loving, nor can I, but when the tough times come, we band together – no matter what.  We can take a moment every once in a while to catch up and show that in spite of it all, we are family.


They say diamonds and gems are a girl’s best friend.  Not this girl’s.  A few of my favorite things do not cost a thing –  attention, affection, respect, and appreciation at the most spontaneous time imaginable. Those things make my world a much nicer place to be – even if it is just the way my naive brain processes it at that very moment.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  I am thankful for my past, my present, and the future – full of the little things that will make my life that much more interesting.






Voice Recognition – Not For Me. I never speak in fluid sentences all the time without changing thoughts or ideas.

How often do you stutter, forget the question, start to say something and then find a better way to say it?


Using voice recognition may seem easy for many, but if you want clean, clear reports there is nothing that can replace a human ear listening to your words and knowing what you mean/meant to say.


Voice recognition may seem easy for many, but you have to train the software to your voice.  Are you saying PRN or pee are in?  Is your audio always clear enough to know the difference?


Do you ever speak slowly and clearly all the time for a person to understand all the time?  Imagine a program listening.


How many times have you heard ‘can you repeat that’?  How many times have you said ‘okay, okay, right, right, right” during an interview and if transcribed every time would make you appear as a valley girl?


Do you want your ers, uhms, and the multiple yeah, yeah, yeahs transcribed in your report?


Do you want to have to reread the report multiple times when finished so you can be sure to catch those potentially unprofessional comments from being left in your report?


When someone asks me how I feel about voice recognition I tell them this – I speak fast.  I change my thoughts mid sentence, I may even forget where I was for a moment.  I make strange noises when I get lost in thought.  I don’t say every word perfectly.


Your time and money is too precious to have a program type your words, just to spend more time correcting and perfecting them.


Let CLK Transcription show you how a human ear can be used to listen to your audio and human hands to type your report, cleaning it up where you decide it should be. Your time can be spent on that next interview while the transcription is done in a professional manner, fast and accurately.


So when thinking about voice recognition – why not try using a human to recognize your voice to give you the best quality transcripts possible for a cost you can afford?


We may not be professional bloggers, authors, journalists, or webinar hosts – but our clients are!  Find out why they say we rock!



CLK Transcription, Inc. is a USA-Based and Operated Transcription Company with expertise in all specialties of the medical profession.

Oncology          Orthopedics     Hematology     Pediatrics          Rheumatology     Infectious disease  Psychiatry          Physiatry     Radiology     Pathology          Dermatology     Cardiology     Pulmonary          Plastic Surgery     Ophthalmology     Chiropractic, Clinical and Acute Care, and more.

We assist professionals with their professional needs transcribing audio from: