Made in the USA

I remember looking for my first job and being able to go just about anywhere to start part time after school. A laundromat, a pharmacy, a sub shop.  I remember working full time in what I called a computer warehouse – where the receipts from major department stores were processed by hand.  My aunt worked in the Black & Decker manufacturing plant making the tools so many loved.  I had so many friends that had parents who worked in textiles, designing and sewing clothing.  I remember working on a farm during the summers as a young adult.

I remember when I was growing up watching the TV commercials telling us to “look for the made in USA label.  Everyone was proud to say they bought American.  From clothing to autos to tools and furniture.

I have to ask myself  – What Happened?

Today, looking for that first job is a job in itself.  More and more companies are off shoring work and if they think it helps our economy, they are sadly mistaken.  Many of you may have seen the video – how not to hire American seen here:

I again have to ask Why?

Could this attitude be the reason many young people starting out have the attitude – why bother?  Could this attitude be the reason we don’t see those commercials anymore?  could this be why so many have concerns over our unemployment rate and at the same time the rate of illegal immigration into our country?

Work being sent offshore even affects our education system.  Many kids nowadays feel they have no need to go to college because they do not plan on ever working overseas.  Why pay for an education when the jobs that require it are no longer here?

I mean even our pet food is made overseas.  Our toys are produced overseas.  Why?  Is it because of better quality – No.  It is because it costs less to produce, and in some cases, as evidenced by global recalls – less quality.

Why can’t someone somewhere put the money here to begin a business that will produce jobs that will produce quality products with a label – Made in the USA?  Why can’t every nation, use their residential resources to build their economy by using their natives to develop their products and be proud to do it? Why is the first place people look to save a buck off shore?

Now don’t get me wrong.  I am all for the best possible people to do the best possible job.  Just don’t tell me you can’t find it within our shores.

I am sure money earned is better than no money earned.  Ask those people on the unemployment line.  They would be proud to work  and earn anything and would be proud they produced anything that read – Made In America.  Don’t tell me you can’t find educated, skilled, reliable, professional and Proud Americans to work for you.  I know different.

I am proud to own and operate an entirely US company.  Many people may off shore their work to save a buck.  What they choose to do is up to them.  I prefer to be able to say – my work – it was Made in the USA.

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