Welcome to the Wonderful World of CLK Transcription! Where your project is just as important to us, as it is to you!

CLK Transcription can transcribe your RadioBlog, Seminar, Webinar, Podcast, Interview, IEP, Conference, or Roundtable discussion on any topic – family, health, diet, financial, entertainment, educational, all medical specialties, even religious sermons, AND MORE – and we can start immediately.

We also offer transcription and delivery of voice mail, conversion of PDF to WORD doc / WORD doc to PDF, Spreadsheet / label development of your contact / project lists, electronic signature development,mailing list / label development.  In other words, if it can be spoken and / or typed – we can do that!

Also, we offer FTP hosting services for those who wish to have the security of a FTP program but do not want to purchase a complete hosting package.  We host it for you and you get all the security and abilities of you very own password protected FTP.

Contact CarolLee Kidd for details.  http://www.clktranscription.com

Organize Your Audios and Save Time and Money

When sending files to a transcriptionist, name the audio files so you know what is on them, and the transcriptionist can confirm the information supplied.  Many times clients will send a file named by the equipment they use (ex ws00001) with no information as to what is on them, or tell us “this is an interview with Joe Schmo”, when in fact, upon listening to it, we find that the interview is in fact with Jane Doe.  When this occurs, we here at CLK Transcription will verify that this it is the audio the client meant to send us.  It may add some time to the TAT, but in the end could potentially save you time and money.


Doing so will alleviate the cost of transcribing an audio that you either didn’t want to have transcribe or was already transcribed.  And saves you time by not having to wait for the wrong file to be transcribed in order to get the correct file completed.  When files are received and seen as named by the equipment, CLK will add the interviewee’s name to the completed report’s filename when possible for tracking purposes.


Oftentimes, clients send multiple files and we work them consecutively, so if a duplicate is sent even a day or so later, unless the same transcriptionist handles the file, we would not know it was a duplicate.  (We have even had files sent as duplicates months apart, and if and when we catch it, we inform the client.  Some companies may just pull the old report and send it along and then bill for something that was paid for months ago.)


Also, there are some instances when an interviewee is in fact interviewed several times, so we would not stop transcribing just because the name is the same.  It may not be the same interview.  This is particularly difficult with physicians.  When they send a potentially duplicate file, we have to transcribe it because unless confirmed as an exact duplicate, the difference of one word or phrase (medication, history or treatment for example) makes the entire report ‘new”.


The addition of a name for your audio is also important for organizing your files for future reference.  Here at CLK Transcription, we name your report the same as the audio file, and include the length of the audio in that name.  This is great because you can now match the audio to the report and even know if the entire audio was received or was there an error in the download.  Also, the addition of the length of audio allows CLK’s clients to track their expenses when paying by audio minute.


Many of my clients will use the name of their audio when discussing the topic elsewhere (e-mail, etc), allowing all information regarding that interview to be sorted and saved together, even setting up folders in your Word history to keep all documents for the same topic / interview together for easy reference later.


So, the next time you save an audio, consider giving it a name.  It could very well save you time and money.


Here at CLK Transcription, we know that saving YOU time and money allows us to do the same.


Check us out for more information.  We would love to add you to our team of clients.  http://www.clktranscription.com.  Mention/retweet this blog and save $5.00 off your next invoice of $50.00 or more.

Do you get your voice mail transcribed free? Do you get what you pay for?

Many people come to me and say “why offer voice mail transcription?  Many people get it free through their telephone service provider.”

Here is my answer:

Those providers use either speech recognition software or an offshore, ESL, transcription company.  Either way, their messages are full of errors, mis-communcating what the message really conveyed, sometimes causing your clients unwanted stress!

There are hundreds of websites devoted to posting the errors people receive through these providers.  (Checkout http://technologizer.com/2010/08/22/worst-google-voice-transcription-errors/)

So, if the only reason you continue to use those services by those providers is so you can see what comes across next, do not use CLK Transcription.

At CLK Transcription, a human listens to the voice mail, a human types the voice mail and a human returns the transcript in an easy to read email.  You get the first 5 free every month through December 2010.  Our rates are nominal and you get quality service, fast.  So for a cost you can afford, you get better quality service.  You get more than you pay for.

When you pay nothing for everything, how do you expect anyone to take pride in the work you request?  Those providers simply cattle prod your work through because it is the phone service they care about.  Offering you the transcripts is what got you to them, and for most companies, getting you is all they care about.

CLK Transcription cares about every facet of a project and every client we receive.  There are no contracts, just a confidentiality agreement.  Whether it is a small project or a large project, a one time assist or a long time client, we take pride in the work we do.  Over 90 percent of our clients are referrals.  We do our best to keep them happy and when we don’t, we learn, understand, and make whatever changes are necessary to the service we provide.  Transcription is what we do. It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are!

So, if you get your voice mail for free, are you getting what you pay for?

http://www.clktranscription.com Find out how we can assist you with your transcription needs.

Your regular project is just as important to us as it is to you! Don’t have your TAT pushed aside because someone else has a “priority”!

Here at CLK Transcription, we try to treat every client as our only client when it comes to meeting their turn around demands.  Many of our clients know each other and have referred each other to us, and we know keeping one happy, means keeps them all happy.

People have often said, “when someone likes you they will repeat it, but if they do not like you they will repeat it over and over again.”

We want to change all that.  We want to have CLK repeated over and over again because we assisted in your transcription needs and never missed a beat with another project on our plate.  We love hearing “you rock” when we give our clients with the quality they demand at a cost they can afford, all in a timely manner that lets them get their job done in a smooth manner.

The independent contractors I work with are just as important as the clients I have.  Without them doing their absolute best and being happy with me assigning them work, I could not offer the services I offer to the clients we handle audio for.

In working for other companies, I had heard many times “that project can wait” or “just load up that IC, she’s a workhorse” and I cringe when I think about a client’s TAT being brushed aside, or a IC being so overworked that she wears herself out.

In doing the best job possible, we all have our limits.  Clients cannot be overburdened with stress wondering if their work will be completed on time and the transcriptionist cannot be so overworked that she rushes or even worse, drops the ball all together and misses deadlines herself.

Many times we receive STAT or priority files from a client.  We handle them as we would any other, but we have some wonderful transcriptionists that are available just for those types of files, so that whether we received one or 20 files in a day, your priority is handled without pushing someone else aside, and without stressing the transcriptionist with an unreal deadline herself.  Every client’s files remain active.

Handling the work this way allows every file we receive today to be returned today or within 24 hours, meeting your TAT and allowing the transcriptionists time for their own personal responsibilities as well.

Yes, there are times when the larger projects come, multi-hour, multi-speaker interviews, conferences, and seminars that take us a bit longer, but even in those cases you can usually start seeing a return of part of the project within 24 hours and a completion within 3 days, depending on the size.

Unfortunately, we have had to turn away projects from some of our most prized clients because of their TAT and our workload when they contact us with a multi-hour project due in a few days, but even those clients come back.  Why?  Because I won’t add to their stress by saying I can handle it and then blow their TAT when I know I can’t.

Thankfully, those exceptions are few and far between.  My clients with those larger projects allow me time to plan and get ready for them by giving me a heads up to expect those files.  Most times a day’s notice is all it takes.

So when other companies say they can handle your large project, ask them not only if they have the transcriptionists on duty to handle it, but how much work gets pushed aside that belongs to your friends and colleagues in order to handle yours?  Because the next time they have a larger project, it could be you that’s pushed aside.

We love transcription. It’s not just what we do – it’s who we are!

CLK Transcription, Inc comes highly recommended by some of the most amazing journalists, ghost writers, authors, blog radio and webinar hosts, and corporate companies in the world.  Let us show you why.  Allow us to help you with your transcription needs and make you a part of our family too!

Check us out on:

Twitter = @CLK_Shortcake
Facebook = http://www.facebook.com/people/CarolLee-Streeter-Kidd/1234760098


LinkedIn = http://www.linkedin.com/in/clktranscription