Helpful tips for being social w/those of us who actually want to be social.

Are you confused about how to be social on social media? Are you trying too hard to build likes, that you forget what social media is really all about?

Here are some tips that we non-gurus follow, and guess what? We don’t only post cat photos and Walmart atrocities.

  • Don’t worry about how many likes you have on your biz page. Worry about having content everyone likes.
  • Remember, sharing content of others doesn’t mean you love it – it means you know someone else on your ‘list’ may or you appreciate the discussion that will come from it. And guess what? In most cases you don’t have to like a page to share the content on the page – and if you do, then it is their loss, not yours. And remember, you can share it on your personal page or your biz page (which will be more relevant to do on your biz page in the near future – see below).
  • Don’t just have like-minded people in your connections – gets stale really fast. I love you – I love you, too. Virtual air kisses and hugs. YUCK! Give us some debate, discussion, and thought provoking posts we love, hate, that outrage us, cheer us up – make us feel…something.
  • If you see a page you like, then “like” it. you can unfollow and just peek in once in a while, but don’t go crazy with those “like my page events” because unless there is content you enjoy or can share – it won’t help either of you. It’s like living in PA and liking a page for landscapers in Mexico. (Side tip – you can follow and not like the page at all i f you like only minimal content.)
  • Remember, reciprocity is lost on many, so don’t go crazy liking other pages just hoping they will like your page in return. They won’t. Don’t believe the hype. I don’t care how many assurances they give you – they will not like your page…many won’t even visit it. Do you, and let them do them. And how many Avon pages can you possibly like anyway?
  • Having more rules than Facebook already has on your biz page really annoys some people. Maintain your page and don’t expect me to do it for you. There are settings for that.
  • If someone sends you a request for a connection, especially LinkedIn, unless they are spamming you or posting inappropriate content, don’t hit ‘Don’t Knw” just ignore. Damaging someone’s ability to be social because you don’t want to be social just isn’t cool.

Lastly, have fun. post what you want on your timeline. It is YOUR timeline after all.

*****Remember the Facebook “rules” are changing on what biz pages will actually show in others’ timelines. Unless your posts are more than promotional items of your own business, it won’t be showing anywhere anyway, unless you pay. It doesn’t matter how many ‘likes’ you have.  So consider sharing other relevant posts on your biz page to keep your posts showing in your “liked” connections. (Remember, when you post someone’s interesting posts on your biz wall, it doesn’t have to be directly relevant to your business per se – but it should be something that could be relevant to others connected to your page (or linked social media accounts such as Twitter). That’s how you get ‘likes’ and followers that stick around.

Now where are those cat photos and Walmart atrocities?