
Interview tips you won’t find elsewhere

I have read so many blogs on great interview tips etc., here are some that I would love to have shared with potential candidates from my past. Yes, I have dealt with at least one of each.:


1. Be sure to clean your eye glasses. Having smudges or even mascara rubbed on them is distracting when I am talking to you. You may not see them, but I do.


2. Be sure to brush your teeth – again very distracting.


3. Take it easy on the cologne. I may have asthma, or at least may have by the time you leave.


4. I do not want to see you butt or breasts, so keep them covered please.


5. Don’t call me honey – yes you women too. I am not hun, honey, or sweetheart.


6. Don’t lie on your resume and then forget what you had on it. And keep in mind, I do verify references.


7. When I ask what your best qualities are – don’t tell me getting along with others and then tell me you left old job due to personality conflicts. You see my point here don’t you?


8. When explaining your past responsibilities, don’t lay in with how the old supervisor was a bitch – that just means you will be calling me names too one day.


9. Don’t introduce yourself as Jane /John Doe and then say but all my ID says Julie/Josh Adams. I will have some questions…


10. Don’t show up a half hour early with your lunch to the interview and ask if you can use the waiting room as your cafeteria. Leave your food and drink in the car. It probably won’t be long before you will be joining it anyway.


And if/when hired, keep in mind:


1. If the back of your SS card says do not laminate, and you laminate it – I cannot accept it as ID. Don’t yell at me, you laminated it.


2. The law tells me I have to ask for your documentation – if you don’t have it, please get it before your first day of work. You should be old enough to have your VALID driver’s license, SS card and / or passport available. You needed it at your last job, so please bring it to this one too. Not my law. Again, don’t yell at me.


3. Don’t show up late for your first day – first week – first month.


4. Don’t come to work and then take 20 minutes in the bathroom to fix yourself up. Come in 10 minutes early and be working when your start time arrives.


5. Don’t ask me for an advance the first day on the job. Prove your worth to me, and earn your paycheck.


Others may not concern themselves with these tidbits of information, but I do.


Thank you and happy job hunting!

Repost because nothing has changed: Why I am not a journalist!

Originally posted 4/13/2010:

I love to write. I love to do research. I love to read. So, why am I not a journalist?


Because your job is harder than mine.


You are given or come up with a topic. You work hard to find the right resources and work out a schedule to interview those resources and gather all the necessary information and make a powerful, informative article that people will want to read. Sounds easy to some, but I know better.


The topic must be something that you are familiar with, interested in, or can at least relate to. Or for those who just have wonderful skills, be able to KNOW how to sponge the information from various research for use in a fabulous paper for print.


Resource can be anyone. Can ramble so badly that you want to shout – GET TO THE POINT, or worse, could answer your questions without really answering your questions. Occasionally the smooth, precise, clear speaker is found, but it is a rarity. (trust me, this I do know.)


Scheduling the interviews – Resources can schedule the interview and change ten minutes before it was to begin, as if their time is the only time to consider, or can start the interview and have to go due to some conflicting appointment after just 5 minutes, or even want to do the interview so early in the morning or middle of the night – just because they can. Others just want to talk to hear themselves talk and can go on and on and on. For these however, many of you have your interview stopping statement to bring it to a close, and are so charming when you use it.


Those items can be tough enough, but what’s worse is when you are interviewing someone who is so arrogant, uninteresting, incoherent, or a double talker. Someone who assumes you know nothing at all, questions your abilities and knowledge and lets you know it. Or someone who said they could help you in your mission for a really good story and you find out they really have nothing at all. For example, you asked about really great marble to use in a bathroom remodel and they talk about port-a-potties. You know what I mean. And many of you are so diplomatic that you find something – anything – this person has talked about in order to say it was not a wasted appointment.


And then there are times the interview goes well. You have what you need and you find that you did the entire 50 minute interview and forgot to turn on your recorder, or it malfunctions during the interview (or after), or your computer crashes and you lose the entire kit and caboodle.


All of this is just the items I can decipher from transcribing your interviews. All of this is what amazes me when I see your final product after publication and am amazed how wonderful it is. Your job is much harder than mine.


I just transcribe the interviews and other material. If I had to deal with just that kind of “stuff” I would probably be unemployed from saying something like “hey, Buddy, do me a favor and just answer the damn question. And while you’re at it, can you pay attention to what you are responding to and stop eating or calling out to your friends who are walking by as you talk to me, and hey buddy – the phone works better when you talk into it. Can you get any closer to the man yelling in the background, I am not hearing what he is so mad about. I was ready yesterday for our 10 a.m. appointment and you changed it to 3 a.m. so how about pay attention to the questions so I can go back to bed.”


Me, I can sit here, transcribe your audio, and smile…better you than me. I will just wait for you to go to print and see how amazing you made the information into something that others can understand and draw from.


That is why I am not a journalist. I am just a transcriptionist, here to type your audio, help you meet your deadlines and watch you take all that hard work you do and make an article worth reading, sharing, and discussing for months and months.


Better you than me. I will stick to reading your articles thus remaining employed.

As a journalist, do you ever have enough time?

As a journalist/writer, when you have a project that has been assigned, there are so many steps to get through to be able to develop the perfect article, the perfect end-product, that it’s a wonder you have enough time in the day to even think about them all.

There are phone calls to make. Interviews to set up and then to hold. Outlines to write, and even the final article/chapter/paper to complete. Possibly even photos to choose. Editors to deal with. The list goes on and on. All the while, juggling the business of life that is always there, and quite frankly more important that any article, book, paper you will ever write – your family.

So when you can, it’s nice to know it’s okay to ask for help. Help that will give you that hour, hours, or even days to handle the other aspects of your project and the important parts of your life. And when you can find that help, and it’s within your budget, that is all the more reason to consider asking for it.

CLK Transcription understands the needs of the journalist. We understand their deadlines and we understand their budgets. We have been fortunate to be able to assist many with their audio/video transcription and we have grown to understand that their audio is a valuable tool in their work, but that the transcription of it is time-consuming and cumbersome for them to handle on their own. It, quite frankly, can interfere with the completing the project itself and absolutely interrupts the family time they could have if they just didn’t have to do it themselves.


The good news is THEY DON’T!

CLK Transcription can handle their audio/video transcription and develop a quality document, and return it to them in most cases within 36 hours or less. Now they can get on with the project and get on with their enjoyment of a little bit of family time. We even transcribe voice mail. Yes, many can get that service for free, but are the messages usable, understandable, or delivered timely? If it’s free, do you get what you pay for?

We are able to work with any downloadable audio, and yes, we work with cassettes, DVDs and CDs. We even convert white paper to an electronic document. And if you have an audio you want to transcribe yourself, but just need it converted to a different medium – we can do that, too! We even offer a FTP site for those who need the transferability of their files to others. All at a cost that fits within your budget.

So, when you have a project and you need a little or a lot of help with the transcription, why not find out how we can assist? You may just find the time and money you have been looking for.

We are an email away from starting your project today and having it back to you with a day or so. We are US owned and operated and never send anything off shore. We offer a confidentiality agreement to every client. We never use speech recognition, and every project is proofread before delivery.

Allow your transcriptionist to save you time and money by following these simple tips.

Got audio you need transcribed?

When sending audio to your transcriptionist, is it always good to give them as much information as you can about your needs, such as:


  • How long is the file? This is important so we can confirm we received the entire file. Although transfer programs are great, sometimes our own connections when uploading or downloading can cut off a file leaving us to believe the entire file was sent or received. Having the length, or approximate length, allows us to verify receipt of the entire file.


  • What is your drop dead turn around needed. Most transcription companies work a 24-72 hour TAT depending on length of audio and difficulty. Giving us what your drop dead turn around time expected allows us to be sure to meet your needs, or be honest and let you know it can’t be done. Most cases, if an extremely large file is received – 3 hours or more, we may be able to send you what is complete in parcels, so you can begin your work while we finish the audio project.


  • Is there a portion of the audio that you don’t need transcribed? Is there a start time or end here time that you do not need transcribed which can save you money? If we do not know about dead air or conversations you do not need, we will transcribe everything, and dead air will be calculated because we do have to listen to make sure we don’t miss something. Giving us exact time to start or stop will save you money if you had dead space in the audio.


  • Are there any names that may not have common spellings? Giving us speaker names will help speed up the process. Most times we will take the time to search for the correct spelling, however this is not always possible with some generic interviews, so having the correct spelling or how you want them to be noted is a help. Maybe you don’t want names. Maybe you would prefer generic we use Male or Female Speaker, Interviewee, or just use initials.


  • Do you want verbatim/verbatim with absolutely no clean up or verbatim with minimal cleanup – meaning false starts and stutters. Perhaps you want as much clean up as possible – making the speakers grammar correct, etc. Most cases, CLK will do verbatim with minimal cleanup (false starts and stutters only) unless otherwise instructed. We understand we are not the writers. We will transcribe what we hear and let you write the article using exactly what was said, how it was said.


  • Do you have a special format you want followed? Font size and type, margins, etc? CLK Transcription has a “standard” easy to cut and paste format we use for our projects, however if you have something specific for every file or just one file, let us know. We will be happy to use it for your work.


  • Are there technical terms or places mentioned that may be difficult to research. CLK Transcription does research work when transcribing, and tries to verify what was said is what was transcribed, but sometimes terms and phrases are just too difficult to locate quickly and takes some time. Sending as much of this information as you can when you send your audio file, hot words, will save time when you need your project quickly.


  • Let us know if you feel the audio is difficult and we will attempt to enhance the audio to make it clearer, louder, or less static which will save time on the transcription end.


  • Is there a specific way you want the files named when we are complete? CLK Transcription usually names the completed reports exactly the same as the audio file, unless otherwise instructed. Doing this allows you to match the audio with the report when working on your project. If you would like them named a different way, let us know. we will be happy to oblige.


  • Do you need files invoiced separately? CLK Transcription understands the needs of the journalists and writer. Many need separate invoices for each project, and we are happy to do this for you. Just let us know as you send the audio.


Remembering some of these tips will allow us to better handle your project files and be certain we are giving you what you need to do your work more efficiently – and that’s part of our job. – We love what we do and it shows!

Organizing your projects…straight through to the invoice

After working with many journalists and authors, I have come to realize that very few, if any, work on one project at a time. Whether it is their work project or their family/life’s project, or a combination of both.

We try to assist them, not only by saving them time transcribing their audio / video for them, but also by organizing the transcription / audio / video portion of their projects and the billing information they need to be properly paid themselves for the work, as well as keeping the different parts of their projects together and easy to work with.

How do we do that?

CLK starts by acknowledging receipt of every single file. They know we have received it. We ask them for a drop-dead deadline. Although we work to return all files within 72 hours, and of course even sooner whenever possible, regardless of the length of audio, everyone has different deadlines. So if they need it quicker, they just let us know.We never want to push them further to their project deadline and cause more stress in the process.

We gather the names of the participants / speakers, and we are sure to label each speaker accordingly. We can time code the transcript or number lines if they wish, and we use a clear simple format for them to be able to review the transcripts for content they may need in their end product.

We clearly mark any portion where there may have been an inaudible word or phrase, so they can take a listen and see if they can hear it. They were the ones in the room during the recording.

But we don’t stop there.

Naming their files:

We name the finished report exactly the same as the audio, so our clients can match up the corresponding audio with the finished report.

Helping manage and track a budget:

We add the total length of the audio into the name of the report, so our clients can confirm that the complete audio was transcribed – there wasn’t a download / upload issue causing only a partial transcript or they didn’t send us the incorrect file to begin with.

We also add the total cost of each audio into the file name, so that our clients can better manage their budgets as they go along, rather than worry about it in the end, when their concerns should just be putting it all together into the fabulous end result we all enjoy in that book, magazine, online, or production piece.

In addition, our clients can further maintain their budgets by giving us precise times on the audio they want transcribed, down to just a few seconds, to blocks of minutes throughout the audio. This way they don’t end up paying for material they do not need for their project. We all know some interviewees can get chatty.

Helping their billing, through our billing:

Many of our clients use our invoices to invoice their clients and will request separate invoices for one or all of the audio files using project codes or other client information. This allows them to keep their project invoices organized, and they don’t have to sort through which transcript coincides with which project and which invoice is for which project.

Many times, we have clients request the invoice be sent directly to the project manager they are dealing with. We are happy to do that. Of course our client’s are ultimately responsible for the invoices, but being able to forward our invoice to their client for them allows them the freedom to ‘keep it moving’ and not worry about that part of the task.

Working with them to save them time and money:

We know how hard it is for our clients to monitor every little aspect of their project, and we try to make it just that much more simpler and cost-effective. It may not sound like much, but we find that in the end, our clients appreciate the added little extras we do to keep their projects organized and labeled appropriately.

We are always observing our clients work online, and watching for additional ways to help them organize and make the process of transcribing and organizing the audio / video portion of their projects that much simpler to work with.


How can we assist you with your transcription needs? We are an email away from beginning your project!


Visit us at and find out today!




The only way to provide quality is to understand your clients & their project’s needs. CLK does that!

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a mid-sized USA-based and operated transcription company offering small biz rates. We know what you want and we deliver.

We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

In addition to the medical transcription of physician office notes, H&Ps, Op notes, IMEs, etc., we transcribe for journalists, writers , authors and production companies covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for many corporations, and transcribe multiple webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion to word/excel doc,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not). Or simply call in and leave your notes and we will transcribe them and return to you in any format you desire.
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

Check out our website and see if there is any service we offer that might help you save time and money. We truly love what we do!
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!
Contact us at or visit for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.

Transcription is not just for medical reports. ( #ASJA, #NASW, #UPOD, #APH, #AHCJ, #FreelanceSuccess, #FLX )

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a USA-Based and Operated Transcription Company. We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

We transcribe for journalists, writers , authors and publication and production companies covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for many corporations, and transcribe monthly / weekly webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

We have assisted many scholars with their dissertations, and parents with their children’s IEP.  And yes, we do transcribe medical reports as well.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • Transcription and time coding for production projects,
  • Conversion of older manuscripts / published work to WORD format for editing and subsequent printing,
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion of any form to word doc – yes, we have even transcribed off napkins,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not).
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

We will you save time and money.
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for multiple speakers. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!

No project too small or too large. We truly love what we do!
Contact us at or visit for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.

Got audio? CLK can do that! Try on-shoring instead, get quality, and save time and money.

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a USA-Based and Operated Transcription Company. We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

We have expertise in all specialties of the medical profession: Oncology, Orthopedics, Hematology, Pediatrics, Infectious disease, Rheumatology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiology, Physiatry, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Chiropractic, Clinical and Acute Care, and more.

We transcribe for journalists, writers and authors covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for may corporations, and transcribe multiple webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

We have transcribed IEPs for many parents of special needs children, so they can cut out the ‘he said-she said’ that oftentimes occurs during this process.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion to word doc,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not).
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

Check out our website and see if there is any service we offer that might help you save time and money. We truly love what we do!
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for multiple speakers. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!
Contact us at or visit for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.


Why I work with newbies…they all have a story and it ends with a desire to do the job.

I first started utilizing “newbies”, because I found that they are the ones who have spent thousands of dollars to get the education to do the job, only to find it difficult to find the work (without of course the usual two to five-year minimum experience) because so much of our work was being off shored.

I taught transcription courses for a local vo-tech and worked with many schools on the east coast and found that what they were teaching was barely enough to even consider calling the graduates typists, much less transcriptionists.Some didn’t even explain how to load files into a player, or even how to market themselves for a position with a company or private work.

I also found that the newbie was unspoiled by the usual ‘stuff’ those in the business have come to use as a crutch of sorts – speech recognition, hot keys – shortcuts. I don’t believe in such things because nothing beats the human ear, and no one ever speaks the same words in the same manner or with the same tone, every time they say them. Those shortcuts could cause major errors. I don’t use shortcuts – I use skill.

For over 8 years now, I have brought on and worked with the newbie who has had everything from years of school to a few weeks of transcription experience, and found that they can be the best and most dedicated workers out there with a little extra work on my part – yet no one wants to take the time to work with them.
Why won’t they work with them? They have spent literally thousands of dollars to get what they were told was the education to do the job. They have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get the equipment they need to do the job. They have the desire to learn the job and do the best they can. They still want to do the job and want to learn all they can after their own research shows them what a painfully stressful job it can be. They still want the job when all they hear from others in the field is how horrible the job can be and how difficult it is to make a living doing transcription.

Why not work with them?

My guess is that it is that because they are newbies, they can place unreasonable experience requirements on them so that they (the larger transcription companies) can continue to off shore the transcription projects they handle. Most larger companies off shore their work without ever telling their clients they actually do. They hide the information on their website, will even say they do not offshore, but have ‘branches’ or ‘satellite’ offices in the Philippines, India, or Mexico. They off shore even though there are skilled and educated people, or those who want to be trained, ready and willing to work right here in the US.

So why do I work with newbies?

In addition to the dedication and desire I mentioned above, here is what I found in working with the newbie:

They are mostly single moms, women taking care of a disabled family member, disabled themselves trying to supplement their income, widows and widowers, battered women trying to start over, a college student trying to ease the financial burden on their parents (and themselves). They are the wife of a service member trying to make whatever they can while their spouse is deployed, an at-home mother working to ease the financial crunch of the household, women battling  cancer, Lupus, or other illnesses – all who need work just as much, if not more than their desire to work.


For those reasons alone, I am proud to work with newbies. They not only want it, they need it. I would rather take the time to train the newbies, and allow them to be the best they can be, to earn the extra they need to get by (and hopefully more than), to help them free themselves from some of the stresses of their lives. For those reasons, I would rather work with a newbie than to consider off-shoring any work off shore.


Sure, I may not ever have free time for that yearly vacation because I have to put a little extra time (okay a lot of extra time) working with the newbies to get them to the point where they are no longer considered newbies, and I may get frustrated with the additional concerns newbies have when starting a new venture, but I know that I have helped a family, while building a kick ass team I like to call the CLK family.

They are all independent contractors, I am their client, and in addition to training them in the art of transcription, they gain the experience of running their own “company” from billing to taxes to finding ways to save on the programs and devices they need to ‘run’ their business, to how to market themselves and bring even more work back here to the US from the companies off shore. Some of my team have other jobs, some have many other clients, but all are respected for the work they do for CLK.

I started this company with a few “seasoned” transcriptionists and a handful of newbies who have now become the backbone of the CLK Team, and have seen that team grow with additional newbies over the years who have gone through rigorous training, quality assurance checks, and the guidance of the team. Not all make it, but those that stick it out are transcriptionists who love what they do and they do it with love.


To my team at CLK, whether you have been with me ten years or ten hours – Thank You for the work you do. Thank you for the patience you have with me and my quirks. Thank you for your best – that is all I ask. Thank you for helping me make CLK Transcription the best we can be!

Happy Labor Day 2012.


If you would like more information on the services CLK Transcription has to offer – from interview, meeting, IEP, scholastic transcription, voice mail transcription, audio conversion, call in dictation, hard copy conversion, database development, and more – contact or visit us at


We have been noted in multiple best sellers and TV programs, and work with freelancers, authors, production companies, publishers, corporations, and scholars to complete their project timely, with quality at a cost they can afford.


If you are interested in a career in transcription, please forward why you chose this profession and a little bit about yourself to (No resumes and no phone calls, please)








CLK Transcription is recruiting new clients. How can we help you?

CLK Transcription is recruiting new clients once again.

Must want quality transcripts in a timely manner, at an affordable price, and want easy process of obtaining both.

UPOD, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Inc. (ASJA), and @freelancesuccess (#FLX) members are warmly welcomed.


We have been privileged to assist many authors, publishers, freelancers, educators, scholars, businesses/corporation, and laypeople with their transcription needs. From journalistic articles, to manuscripts, to doctorate interviews, to meetings and seminars, to IEPs, to medical reports, and even recipes and business cards – if you need it transcribed, converted, or scanned – CLK can do that.  We have even assisted with first edits on several short stories.


We offer time coding of the transcripts for those who may use the transcriptions for production of televised TV shows. No project too small or too large, and your special format is never a problem. Whether one speaker or multiple speakers, difficult or clear audio – same rate for all.


We have been acknowledged for our work on multiple TV shows with several production companies, as well as with some wonderful authors of best sellers and bloggers. Check out our website and LinkedIn for recommendations.


We also offer an easy call-in system to use for your interviews and meetings, making your phone the only equipment you will need to get that transcript completed. We can convert your video or other audio to MP3, convert your cassettes/DVDs/CDs/LPs to MP3, scan your hard copy documents, business cards, recipes, etc into a workable document/database or convert PDF to Word document making any edits you desire, transcribe your voice mail to text message, and so much more.


We offer a FTP folder for those who wish to store or share their project tools in a safe secure environment, but offer an assortment of methods to accept your project for development of your document. We also offer a “backup” email to mirror your own to have that backup when your email goes kerplunk, or just to use for those sites you need an email for but do not want the spam.

We work hard to find ways to make your job that much easier. We have assisted over 500 active clients with ongoing projects (more if you consider those with the one-time or short-term projects, or repeat clients with less of a need), and over 60 new clients (referrals) since 1/1/2012 alone, who have begun utilizing our services.

We have over 50 transcriptionists waiting to handle your project.   We take pride in our ability to work within your financial and timeline budgets, and have been accepted by several universities to assist with their Master’s/Doctorate programs, and freelance journalists who have extremely tight demands.


We are transcriptionists, and we love what we do! We never off shore and never use speech recognition. Try on-shoring instead.


Want to find out how CLK will save you time and money?


Check us out – or or

and find out why we come highly recommended.