A 100 Watt Light Bulb Moment – Voice Mail – No Problem

Have your voice mail transcribe by a US owned and operated transcription company for the same cost as other companies (Service starts 4/1/2010).  Contact me now to set up your account!

I have spent a lot of time marketing my transcription company and all the possibilities we can do for you.  I have added programs and system to allow me to accept just about every type of audio file out there at any time day or night – and get them transcribed for you with quality in a timely fashion.  I thought I had it covered, then a client/friend gave me a light bulb moment.

This light bulb moment allows me to expand my business and features I currently offer clients.  Will I make a fortune – probably not.  But if it helps my clients, and new clients, get on with their day and meet their own goals – then I have a win-win situation going all the way around.

I researched and found that YES, I can do this too.  I can offer the service to those who have their voice files transcribed for a comparable rate and return the transcripts to them in a comparable time frame as those other companies that do it, and with any luck, with better quality.

So I had a light bulb moment.  As of April 1, 2010, CLK Transcription, Inc. will in fact offer transcription of voice mail as a separate feature from the everyday transcription of seminars, conferences, interviews, phone conversations, webinars, and everything else audio that we handle.

For existing clients, the voice mail would be noted on your regular invoice with the number of calls and total billed in addition to the usual transcription we do for you.  For new clients, if you choose to only have your voice mail transcribed, your invoice will show the number of calls transcribed and the total billed in an easy to read format.

Contact me to set up your account today.  This service will begin April 1, 2010.   And yes, if you refer a friend to CLK Transcription during March 2010, there is still a $5.00 reward for both you and your referral (for their first over $15.00 and your next invoice period.)

And finally, thanks to flipping the light switch for me – you know who you are!!!!

Yes, it will be a new undertaking and a new path on my journey, but one I look forward to taking.

If interested in this new service  provided by CLK Transcription effective 4/1/2010, contact me at CarolLee@clktranscription.com.

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