Thank you to @CityofRockHill during Storm cleanup in NEPA

I have been given permission to share this thank you sent to City of Rock Hill SC for their help during aftermath of Sandy.


I believe when someone does something right, it needs to be repeated, over and over again, and support to those businesses, and individuals be given for their help, great service, great customer service, etc.  Thankfully, my friends do as well.  Here what they had to say to a great group of guys!



Subject: thank you for restoring our power in North East PA

Dear Sir,

I wanted to thank your crews who restored the power to me and my neighbors last night here in Tobyhanna, PA.

Your employees were kind, courteous and professional.

Our experience with our power company throughout this ordeal was a nightmare.
After numerous attempts to inform them that the original issue we reported had worsened from tree leaning on wires to tree had taken down wires completely from pole we received a recording that our address had been reported as a tree on the lines. It was like pulling teeth trying to reach a real person and not a recording.

After receiving a message that our power had been restored, (when no one from power company was even here) my son came across your crews who were in our community and explained the situation. Your crews stopped by and I believe made some calls to see if we were on a list. Apparently the new information we and our neighbors relayed to PP&L was NEVER received and was still believed to be a limb on the wires!

Your crews returned shortly and had our power restored within the hour!

Your crews coming down the street in a convoy was a sight for sore eyes.
If it weren’t for YOUR crews stopping to listen to us we would probably still be powerless!

We thank you all so much for your service and hope this nice message reaches the employees who braved the cold windy weather and did an exceptional job!!!!!

Thanks a MILLION!!!!!!!!

Cindy & Joe Rametta Marvin Gardens Tobyhanna, PA
Cindy & Carlo DiPasquale Marvin Gardens Tobyhanna, PA

Got audio? CLK can do that! Try on-shoring instead, get quality, and save time and money.

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a USA-Based and Operated Transcription Company. We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

We have expertise in all specialties of the medical profession: Oncology, Orthopedics, Hematology, Pediatrics, Infectious disease, Rheumatology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiology, Physiatry, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Chiropractic, Clinical and Acute Care, and more.

We transcribe for journalists, writers and authors covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for may corporations, and transcribe multiple webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

We have transcribed IEPs for many parents of special needs children, so they can cut out the ‘he said-she said’ that oftentimes occurs during this process.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion to word doc,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not).
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

Check out our website and see if there is any service we offer that might help you save time and money. We truly love what we do!
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for multiple speakers. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!
Contact us at or for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.

Happy New Year, 2013

2012 for some – for many – may be considered a year of  the bag of angry tricks, the year where we just want to forget everything.

So many affected by fires, storms, and more storms, fiscal cliffs, debt ceilings, and violence that when attempting to look back at 2012 in any way other than a big downer, the images are blurred. The good stuff that we may have experienced is so overshadowed, that we are left with nothing more than wanting 2013 to start and for all of us to get further along with rebuilding, memorializing, and just plain moving on.

Although we have had good things – great opportunities, great goals met, great personal and / or financial growth – we won’t remember them as vividly as we remember the images we awoke to at various times of the year.

My hope for 2013 is that the rebuilding can be complete. Whether it is rebuilding your home, your dream, your faith, or your goals, and that as we get closer to 2014, we all have memories of exciting, pleasant, wonderful things, struggles defeated and milestones met.

Happy New Year, 2013

CarolLee Kidd, President
CLK Transcription, Inc.
Twitter = @CLK_Shortcake

Facebook =

LinkedIn =

I am going to be an Oma again!

When my first grandson was born, nearly 10 years ago, I was going through so many emotions. Happiness because he is an angel from the moment he took his first breath. Worry – is my son ready to be a daddy? Will he be able to handle everything that comes with being a dad? He left college to take the responsibility by the horns – because deep down he knew he was going to be a single parent. It may not have been the ‘right’ decision at the time, but it has proven to be the best decision for my grandson.

Life changed for my son, and he has been a wonderful father, a single father who went from sole custody for years to fighting the system to retain custody, to knowing his son ain’t going nowhere and won’t be in harm’s way any more – at least as long as he can help it. And my grandson flourishes.

But it has been difficult. I have tried to help as much as I can, and although at times I may feel like I did too much, and probably did, I know my son appreciated it.

But again, it has been difficult for him. He had little or at times, no life outside of work and his son. Then a little over a year ago he reconnected with a high school sweetheart after years and much distance. A nice girl. A girl he fell in love with all over again, but a girl with three kids of her own. Add in my grandson, now there are four children, soon to be five children and another adult that my son is responsible for. My son’s future is what worries me. He has been working so hard and struggling with one child, and now here is taking on the responsibility of three more, and another adult with a baby now on the way.

When he informed me that he is going to be a daddy again, to a little girl in April 2013, I was speechless. Personally, I don’t believe he is ready. With the economy the way it is, raising one child is difficult. I wanted to be happy in that moment. I could not. I saw him working so hard to give his girlfriend and her family everything they needed (and wanted) and saw him being crushed and oblivious to it all.

I saw his challenge grow immediately. His credit rating went downhill after all his hard work to get it to a decent level. His pockets were emptier. He was stuck between hearing me moan and groan about how he is handling life choices and being in love and wanting to make his new family happy – at all costs. I felt he was ‘in’ this alone, and he didn’t care.

I tell him that to be in love, to share a life, means to share everything – including responsibility. I didn’t feel he had that yet, and sometimes still don’t. I saw others being more important rather than the family as a unit. I saw that there was no help, and it concerned me. It still does. He is under a lot of pressure…pressure to keep his family happy. Pressure to keep his family fed, housed, clothed. And then there was the pressure from me.

What? Me pressure him. You bet! Sure he is not in it alone. He does have his girl. But my two cents, whether he wanted to hear it or not was that love don’t pay the bills. One person cannot do this. I know. I struggled with two kids and did have a second (and sometimes third income). They have one. How in the world can you move forward with your life and make sure your children have the life they deserve?

Get another job? He hardly has time to sleep. He is active at work. He is active around the house. He hardly has time for friends. But that is what happens when you have one child, much less five to take care of, and a girlfriend that wants to be happy too. Not everyone understands this. Not everyone is ready to be the responsible one. He does and he is. He doesn’t resent the choices he has made. He struggles. But we all do, don’t we.

So I will worry, but I will never worry if he is ready to be a great father – he already is!

I will continue to watch, and of course, be a proud mom and probably still say things he doesn’t want to hear because he knows I don’t hold back – good or bad – and yet I will be there for him – albeit not as much as I used to. I have to understand that there are two adults in the equation, and I am not one of them. They have to figure it out together – and hopefully they will.

But as the time moves towards the birth of my second grandchild, whom they have named Serenity Jade Kidd, I will add some happiness in there. It won’t be a fake smile. It will be tears of happiness as well as tears of worry. After all, I am his mother. I am the Oma. If I didn’t worry, I would not be a very good at either, would I? And although this is my second grandchild, technically I will now have five – three boys and two girls that will call me Oma. I have my work cut out for me as well.

So yes, I am going to be a Oma again, but I started this  journey being a mom to an awesome son who has made me proud and who I hope knows that his mother loves him beyond all else – even if I seem to be a meddling know it all.

Keep him and his family in your thoughts and wish him luck, will you?

Transcription is not just for medical reports. ( #ASJA, #NASW, #UPOD, #APH, #AHCJ, #FreelanceSuccess, #FLX )

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a USA-Based and Operated Transcription Company. We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

We transcribe for journalists, writers , authors and publication and production companies covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for many corporations, and transcribe monthly / weekly webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

We have assisted many scholars with their dissertations, and parents with their children’s IEP.  And yes, we do transcribe medical reports as well.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • Transcription and time coding for production projects,
  • Conversion of older manuscripts / published work to WORD format for editing and subsequent printing,
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion of any form to word doc – yes, we have even transcribed off napkins,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not).
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

We will you save time and money.
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for multiple speakers. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!

No project too small or too large. We truly love what we do!
Contact us at or for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.

A Transcriptionist’s Tale, by Amanda Friday…

When I was younger, my parents always teased that I would never be able to find a job that I could do in my pajamas. I didn’t get into the transcription business because of that, but it definitely has become a running joke over the years! I have been a medical transcriptionist since 2007. I graduated from the Career Step program, which I found invaluable. I don’t know of any general transcription training course, as with general transcription you receive any kind of report under the sun, but for medical transcription I definitely recommend it. There is so much to learn language wise, procedure wise, pharmaceutical wise that jumping into it headfirst would be a detriment to your productivity. That is, if you could even find a job without that training in the first place!


After five years of medical transcription, I found myself getting burned out. I was sick of the medicalese and doctors dictating procedures or exam findings at the speed of light. Just because they say it a million times a day didn’t mean I knew what they were saying! It was a real struggle to make the short “commute” down the hallway to my home office every day, knowing I had the same kinds of reports as the day before to look forward to.


On top of starting to dread working, my largest account was sent overseas, causing my income to drop dramatically. I think offshoring American medical records, or anything that relates to American jobs, is just criminal. The complete lack of responsibility that these companies have towards their American employees is a travesty. To be fair, my company fought tooth and nail to keep my account in the US, but in the end money won out, as it usually does, and boom. Account gone. Practically overnight.


Staying home has been such a luxury as it affords me more time with my family. My husband works an odd schedule and without my working at home, I would see him one weekend a month. We don’t have children yet, but look forward to not having to pay any childcare costs, which are skyrocketing. My husband is the only one that commutes into work, so gas payments are down and the wear and tear really only occurs on one vehicle instead of two. I knew I didn’t want to work outside the home, but I felt my options were limited and I may have to reenter the outside workforce.


I looked into general transcription and am so glad that I did. It’s a joy to no longer type physical examinations and laboratory results! Every report I’ve accepted through CLK Transcription has been something different. Work is exciting and challenging, but in a good way! I can honestly say that I have learned something from every single report I have transcribed for CLK. And the flexibility CLK allows is tremendous.


In addition to transcription work, I also narrate and produce audio books so I need to be able to manage my time efficiently. With CLK, it’s a breeze to meet audio book deadlines, as I am not tied to my desk. If I’m feeling behind on my recordings, no problem. I just don’t sign in that day. No muss, no fuss. It’s fantastic. I feel incredibly blessed to have found CLK Transcription. I couldn’t be happier to be working with CLK and look forward to many, many more years!


Amanda Friday

The only way to provide quality is to understand your clients & their project’s needs. CLK does that!

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a mid-sized USA-based and operated transcription company offering small biz rates. We know what you want and we deliver.

We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

In addition to the medical transcription of physician office notes, H&Ps, Op notes, IMEs, etc., we transcribe for journalists, writers , authors and production companies covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for many corporations, and transcribe multiple webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion to word/excel doc,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not). Or simply call in and leave your notes and we will transcribe them and return to you in any format you desire.
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

Check out our website and see if there is any service we offer that might help you save time and money. We truly love what we do!
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!
Contact us at or for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at where our recommendations can be viewed.

Why do we love what we do? Here are just a few of the reasons:

“I am a professional opera singer and private voice teacher. Being a performer has its ups and downs, and does not always bring in a steady flow of income. With CLK Transcription, I’m able to work from home and work around my rehearsal/performing schedule. It’s a great second job for a freelance artist like me.” – N. Easter,


“I love working as an IC for CLK Transcription. CarolLee and Leticia are great to work with and our clients write on so many interesting topics. I’ve learned a lot professionally as well as so much on a variety of different things from cancer research to technology to celebrity blogs. Lastly, being an IC gives me the flexibility I need for my family in being able to work from home. CLK Rocks!” – Doris Regier


“I love being an IC because of the flexible hours I can work. Life can be so hectic. There’s never enough hours in a day. You get to work around your life, not fit your life in around your work. CLK Transcription is a great company to work for. It is a fun transcription job and a great learning experience while working those flexible hours. There are many topics and the work is never boring. I wouldn’t have it any other way!” – D. Henderson


“Transcription fits my lifestyle to a T! I was born with Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism that makes socializing insanely hard. I had nearly accepted that I would just never be able to work, even after my medical transcription training. Then I met CarolLee Kidd and she took a chance on me. Now I have a job I love and I finally feel like an adult. I’m so grateful.” – Amber G.


“The job of a transcriptionist is an ideal one for me! In the first place, reading is one of my favorite activities, and at best the interviews and meetings that I transcribe are like interesting articles from the New Yorker or Vanity Fair magazine, and in the (often celebrity’s) own voice, as well. I could tell of some thrilling moments, but we are sworn to confidentiality. Also, I live out in the Colorado Rockies, a 100-mile round trip to town once a week to pick up mail and stock up. So being able to telecommute from home saves me on gas and time. It also lets me spend most of my time at home, which my dog loves, and I can pursue my art, crafts, and creative knitting with the time saved. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to work remotely and save money on food because you don’t have to buy takeout because you are just too tuckered out to cook (and besides, the pizza places don’t deliver out here, lol.)” – Tanya M.


“Being an IC for CLK Transcription has allowed me to work my own schedule and has given me the opportunity to learn something new from each audio transcribed. Thank you CLK.” – Linda Wert


“Eight years ago my husband and I found out we were going to have a baby. We thought it would be great if I could find a job that I could do from home while raising our child. I had heard a commercial on the radio for a seminar being held for medical transcription work. We decided to go and learn what it was all about. As we sat through the seminar, I realized it was something that could fit my needs quite well. I needed to take a training course to be able to do this. I planned on being finished with the course before I had the baby and hopefully starting to get clients. The baby had other ideas. I went into labor at 27 weeks into my pregnancy. Luckily my baby boy was born healthy, although underdeveloped. He was in the NICU for 79 long days, where I traveled a 45-minute drive one way just to see him every day. Needless to say, this put my coursework on hold. We were very lucky in that we got to bring home a healthy, happy boy at the end of that time. Then life just got in the way. I continued to work my regular job, with my mom helping out to babysit. Work at my regular job just continued to get slower. My hours kept getting cut. I continued looking for a job that I could do from home. In June of this year, I saw an ad for transcription work with CLK Transcription, Inc. I applied and CarolLee got back to me quickly. It was very easy to set it all up to begin my trial period with her. She was very helpful with any questions I had. Before I knew it, I was an Independent Contractor for her company. I absolutely love doing what I do. You can make as little or as much as you want. I can do it whenever I like…and even in my pajamas! I would like to thank CarolLee for giving me the opportunity to do what I’ve wanted to do for a very long time and Leticia for always being so helpful and upbeat every time I contact her.” – Monica P.


“I love what I do because what I do has garnered me wonderful colleagues and connections, and the ability to help others hone and grow their skills is so rewarding to me. Knowing that others enjoy the work as much as I do, and all with the same added goal of stopping the off shore of one of the most off-shored trades – makes it all worthwhile. We give our best because it is all we know how to do. We love our career choice and the clients we assist every day.” – CarolLee Kidd

Meet a CLK Transcriptionist, Sarah A. Airforce wife and mom, with a sense of humor!

I like long walks on the beach, love to surf, I am a cancer…

just kidding…lol

I am 27 years old. I am a native Southern California girl who grew up in the small town of San Juan Capistrano. I currently live in New Mexico with my husband Daniel and out two daughters Jade (8) and Faith (1 1/2). We are stationed at an Air Force Base out here near the mountains of Alamogordo. Jade goes to school in California but I make frequent visits throughout the school year to see her and then she is back out here with us for the summer.

I LOVE transcription work, especially that pertaining to the medical field. I am certified as a Medical Transcription but do enjoy all aspects of the transcription job. I am currently in school to become a Medical Biller and Coder.

We have one pet. His name is Bo. He is a rescue Border Collie we found left for dead on the side of the road out here. He is paralyzed from the waist down and had to lose one of his hind legs. He is an amazing dog and full of inspiration for our family that no matter how bad it gets we can always pull through. He is in a wheelchair most of the time but is able to walk (quite miraculously) just using his front two legs and his back leg as balance (like a kangaroo).

I love to surf, skateboard, play with the kiddos, work, and do anything outdoors with the family. I also love to paint and do scrap-booking.


For those interested in becoming an independent contractor for CLK, please send why you chose this profession to (I do not do resumes)

You would not take a job to build a shed and not find out where the shed should go, would you?

In most cases, when hiring someone to handle a task, I go over the task, what I am looking to have as an end result, and I will let them do what they do to get to get the job done. I mean they are the professionals, right?

But there is always specific items the “employer” needs when hiring a contractor. I like to call these needs ‘requests’. Not too difficult a word, right?

You wouldn’t hire a contractor to build a shed and not tell them where you wanted the shed, would you? Or a painter to paint your house and not give them the colors you want for each room.

This is particularly true when hiring a contractor to perform work for a service-provider business.

I mean really, how often do you start a job, any job, and have all the answers no matter how much experience you have with other companies? If every company did everything in the same manner, there would be no competition or variety of services offered.

Most cases, when considering a contractor for my business assignments, I explain why I need things done a certain way and give my requests in detail, but hey, if I am asking for it and paying for it, then I really have no need to justify why I want what I pay for done the way I want it done, do I?  After all, I could be giving these step-by-step instructions because I already know what works, and what is the best way to get to the end result that I am paying to get, and because that just happens to be what works for my business.

Am I wrong to expect a job done the way I want it done? I don’t think so. After all, I am a client using the services of contractors.

Again, in those cases where I may have a method to my madness, I give very detailed requests, step-by-step instructions if you will, on how I want something done and many times I do this to save time for me and for the contractor. I mean no one really wants to have to redo anything because a contractor didn’t pay attention to the requests of the client, do they? I know I put my clients needs and request on the front burner, so I expect the same when I am a client to others.

It may not make sense to them, but it is what the client is paying for, right?

What I find interesting is that sometimes those requests are not heeded in any sense of the word and the client will hear from the contractor, “I thought I could do this,” or “I thought doing it this way was better,” or “I thought you might like this.”

Really? So now you feel you know better than the paying client on what they want and why they want it? It isn’t as if you didn’t have time to discuss your thoughts when you accepted the assignment. It is simply what the client wants.

As I look around the internet and read forums and threads of other contractors complaining about the steps they have to take to complete a job they are paid to do, it amazes me. Complaints about steps they have to take for a task, not being able to find or use shortcuts, or just complaints about the client themselves.

If you are that unhappy, why do you do what it is you are doing? Either you love what you do, love the money you make, or simply love the idea you have a job to do at all, or then again, you have three choices:

  1. Do the job, grudgingly (or with a smile),
  2. Do the job, and ask for more money, or
  3. Quit, and find another job.

Even more interesting is that these same people who moan and groan about the job they are paid to perform, feel that the people who pay for their services should have the trust in them and their work. How? If you do not take pride in the work that you do, how are we ever going to have faith in the work?

If I am to have trust in work being performed, I ought to be able to trust my requests are being considered.

It is kind of like looking for a truck and the car salesman keeps showing you sedans. Do you trust them to make you happy?