
Ask an American Transcriptionist – they will tell you a story or two.

Wondering why, with all these “money”, “economy”, “employment” articles I am transcribing, I don’t see more about the field that is hit hardest by off-shoring, the field that most people never think of as important, but more people/corporations/doctors use it than probably any other ‘vendor’, the one where those who off-shore the work know it is ‘wrong’ so much so that they lie about doing it…yes, transcription.

Doctors, insurance companies, lawyers, corporations, publishers and production companies, and freelancers – even ‘ordinary’ people like students, parents, and homemakers use it – need it. And many use a transcription company and are told their work will never be off-shored, but it is, more times than not!

Where is that story?

There are THOUSANDS of ICs out there struggling to protect their jobs, while MT/Transcription companies charge a high rate, send the work offshore and pay pennies to get it transcribed, get it back and then have it proofed by an American transcriptionist for pennies, all the while promising the client they won’t offshore – and nothing the American transcriptionists can do about it but continue to battle for the truth and respect for the work they do.

The only people making money are the large transcription companies who off-shore the work. Neither the transcriptionist over seas or the US transcriptionist are making money. The transcription companies that don’t off-shore, as few and far between as they are, are struggling with rates low enough to keep the work here and paying the transcriptionists what they are worth.

Why do we do it? Because we love what we do!

We also understand the importance of safeguarding the information that we are entrusted with transcribing, or that comes along with the audio project.

Has anyone asked an American transcriptionist what has happened over the past 10 to 20 years with their profession and the effects of off shoring the work? Has anyone considered the ramifications of sending sensitive information off shore – you know, you entire medical history – family history, social history, past surgical history, etc? Has anyone considered what sending business meeting transcriptions over seas to have transcribed does to their company secrets, platforms, and practices? What sending your protected information over seas to companies who do not have to abide by US confidentiality laws means for your confidentiality and privacy?

No. They haven’t.

Google American Transcriptionist. All you see are more and more companies touting their services and sending the work off shore.Is that because no one wants to really know the truth?

Want to know what happens here, in the US,  by the skilled transcriptionists who are in the field that helps so many companies and individuals get their project done?

Ask a US transcriptionist.

We are here. We are proud. And we don’t plan on going anywhere.

The next time you need a transcriptionist and hire a transcription company, the next time you go to the doctor or visit a hospital, the next time you have an IME for your insurance carrier, the next meeting you attend that is recorded – ask – Will this be sent off shore?

Then do your research. Find an American transcription company that refuses to send work off shore, who only utilizes the services of American transcriptionists, who spent years and thousands of dollars to be able to assist you with your transcription needs, and in return keeps your documentation safe under the laws that are meant to protect you.

Whether it is an American transcription company, or an individual American independent contractor, ask them why they fight the fight and still love what they do.

Now THAT would make a great story.


CLK Transcription. An American owned and operated transcription company that refuses to off shore any work, ever, and has made that an unwavering commitment to every client that assist.