
Proofreading 101

As a transcriptionist it is important to proof every word, punctuation mark and meaning intended in the words.

It is not just okay to type what you hear and press send to the client.  A proper spell check and grammar check must be run. A thorough proofreading is an absolute must.

You must then re-read the document to ensure those words that would never be found in a spell check if improperly used are caught.


The glasses are in the cup board. – OR – The glasses are in the cupboard.

It is because of that hat I have a headache.  – OR – It is because of that, that I have a headache.

You have to re-read the report to ensure that the sentences are punctuated properly.


Did you know that I was going to drive my car then I snapped.  My fingers in the car door.  – OR – Did you know I was going to drive my car, and then I snapped my fingers in the car door.

Also, you have to make sure that the sentence is structured properly.


All right well.  I will keep it quick. –  OR – All right.  Well, I will keep it quick.

That’s right you were talking about the Plavix.  Being a good drug for coagulation, Atenolol works for blood pressure too? – OR – That’s right.  You were talking about Plavix being a good drug for coagulation.  Atenolol works for blood pressure too?

You have to be sure the words you use are the words actually spoken.


The patient has hypotension.  – OR – The patient has hypertension.

There are a lot of cleaning sulfates bad for the environment.  – OR – There are a lot of cleaning solvents bad for the environment.

Some tips and tricks:

Type what you hear.

Once complete, re-read the finished product while listening to the audio again.

Re-read the document without listening to the audio.

Do the transcribed words make sense?  Does it read as smoothly as possible?

Some people find that reading the document backward will allow them to catch some errors.

Keep in mind, not everyone speaks with proper English, and unless your client wants you to clean it up, it should be transcribed as spoken.  In these cases, the only real proof will be re-listening while reading along.

The one thing to remember is to never, NEVER, never transcribe something you are unsure of.  Research is part of a transcriptionist’s responsibilities.  If in doubt, leave it out.  Let the client know where the inaudibles are.  They will appreciate the blanks more than a misused word or phrase.  Remember one misused word or phrase completely erases all credibility and faith in your returned product.

Errors happen.  No one is perfect.  When you make a mistake, learn from it.  Make notes.  Know what each of your client’s preferences are.  Most importantly, respect your client enough to admit to your error and work to be mistake-free in your proofing and grammar the next time.  When you have an unhappy client, sometimes it is important that you offer a monetary “apology” in order to have a “next time” to prove your value.

Remember, when someone likes your work they will repeat it.  When someone dislikes your work, they will repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it.

My favorite line to my transcriptionists is “Breathe. I don’t mind blanks.  I will fill in blanks as possible.  But be sure what you type is what was said and how it was said.  Proof, proof, proof.  Doing a thorough proof is the only way to get your ear.”  I am proud to say that CLK transcriptionists always give their best, and that is all I ask.

Speed is not as important as accuracy when transcribing.  I don’t care how fast you type if what you type is incorrect.  I can bet that your clients won’t care either. – Let us assist you with your transcription needs. We accept all forms of downloadable audio, tapes, CDs, DVDs, hardcopy conversion, and voice mail.  We also offer development of electronic signatures, PDF conversions, and audio conversion for easy playback.  We are proud to note many journalists, authors, ghost writers, doctors, universities, and corporations as clients.  We would love to add you to our “family”.

Three ways to save at CLK Transcription during the months of September/October:

Mention this blog when submitting audios to us for transcription and save $5.00 off your next invoice of $50.00 or more.

Refer a friend who generates an invoice of $50.00 or more and receive another $5.00 off your next invoice of $50.00 or more.

Retweet this blog, and receive yet another $5.00 off your next invoice of $50.00 or more.

That’s a potential savings of $15.00 off your next invoice of $50.00 or more.

We can begin any project immediately and look forward to hearing from you!

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