
Why should you care about your medical dictation being sent off shore?


Your medical information dictated by medical professionals includes: Social history – including how many alcoholic beverages you drink and where you work and live; family history – including how many siblings, health of your family; past medical history – including surgeries, illnesses; medication history – including every medication you have taken and are currently taking; allergies; and personal statistics including height, weight, eye color, and birth date.

Is there anything else you need to give to someone who wants to steal your identity? They don’t need your social security number anymore. They get your insurance information and everything else listed above. They just need to become you and your medical provider may be giving them exactly what they need to do that, and HIPAA regulations don’t mean squat overseas.

Let’s not forget your credit history and direct personal information sent to collection agencies who use off shore call centers to follow-up on past due accounts. Many of these call centers are intertwined with the off shore transcription companies and data storage facilities…they call it multitasking.

Ask your provider, insurance carrier, hospital, and anyone you give personal information to if they have their transcription done here in the US. Demand that they do.

Insurance companies are selling your information to drug companies and equipment providers. Example: How many diabetics receive calls from equipment providers asking them if they want a new glucose monitor? They already know who your insurance carrier is…how? Because they got your contact information from them. Pretty scary, huh? How many of these call centers do you think are actually in the US? Very, very few. No one appreciates having to push 1 for English, so why do you allow calls from off shore call centers regarding your personal information.

Even unemployment and worker’s compensation providers are using off shore companies to handle their claim dictations. Some car and home insurance providers also send your information off shore when they have their reports transcribed.

Think speech recognition and EMR are safer? Think again. Many larger MTSOs (Medical Transcription Service Organizations) and other suppliers send this work off shore either for processing or for ‘storage’ and have US transcription editors review and edit the information, and they never tell their clients that it is being done.

Now think about your company’s information, and all of the trade ‘secrets’ you send off shore with your audio. Do you really want to share that information with those that do not have to adhere to our rules and regulations? Does anyone remember the women who threatened to release her clients transcripts?

Do you think this has changed???

When is enough, enough? Not only is it costing US jobs, it is costing many more their identities and livelihood.

Demand your personal information remain safe and any sharing of the information be secure and governed by HIPAA regulations or other US regulatory guidelines.



Want to save up to $50 on Transcription Services in addition to paying lower per minute rates? Who doesn’t? #in

CLK Transcription is proud to be able to maintain rates that are lower than the national average, yet provide the quality and speed with every project file we transcribe. We know how important all of those things are to our clients.

It is a commitment CLK made many years ago.

CLK Transcription works hard to help their clients with budgetary and time restrictions in their work, and with an average of 115 new referrals every year for three (3) years in a row, and over 800 project files every month, we appreciate every ‘word of mouth’ referral we receive.

We love what we do and we always have room for more!

We offer discounts throughout the year to assist our clients in the ‘saving money’ part of their project needs, and offer timely return of quality reports to assist with meeting or beating their deadlines, allowing them the time to handle other aspects of the project, or their life.

The Referral Reward opportunity is just one of those offers.

Refer a friend so they, too, can save time and money and increase their productivity, or just have time for friends and family, and you can receive up to $50 off our invoice generated in February 2014.

Connect with CLK Transcription on Twitter (CLK_Shortcake), LinkedIn (CarolLee Streeter Kidd), or Facebook ( and make two (2) new referrals to CLK Transcription during January 2014, and you could receive $25 off your invoice for each referral you make.

YEAH! If you are reading this, we must be connected, so you are halfway there.

New referrals’ projects must be a minimum of 90 minutes of audio transcription during January 2014 and invoices must be paid promptly.The Referral Reward will be reflected on your invoice generated in February 2014.

Referrals you make with smaller projects could be eligible for up to $5 Referral Reward (per referral) if new referral invoices are paid promptly.

Be sure your referrals mention you when they contact us.

The Referral Reward Offer is valid through January 2014. Those with outstanding balances over 30 days as of February 1, 2014, are not eligible. Referral Reward must be used during February 2014 and cannot be carried over or ‘gifted’.

Referrals using any of our non-transcription services will be evaluated for Reward on a case-by-case basis. Contact for more details.

A crusade for the American medical transcriptionist – what has to be done to keep our jobs?

I have been doing what I do for a very long time now, and over the past ten years have seen more and more of the work I, and so many others, could be doing being sent overseas.


At first, and still some now, I and many others in my profession thought it was for cheap labor.   I am beginning to wonder.  Sure, many think it is cheaper for the medical professionals and health providers to send the dictation overseas for transcription, but when you factor in the amount of money for proofing and editing the work once it is returned, there is no real savings.  As a matter of opinion, I would claim that it is probably more costly when you total up those figures.

So why?

It certainly isn’t because of lack of experienced and talented transcriptionists.  There are tens of thousands of transcriptionists right here that paid tens of thousands of dollars for the education and equipment to handle dictation transcription.  In addition, some of these very same transcriptionist are the ones healthcare providers hire to edit the reports returned by off-shore transcription companies.

So, again, I ask why?

In my opinion, the opportunity to bring transcription back to the US, is a fight I am taking on and work everyday to see a piece of it return.  For me, to think that my entire history, family, health, social, and all identifying information about me, being sent to a faraway place is just horrifying.  For me, thinking of how so many people spend time and money to learn a trade, want to work, only to find that the majority of the work is going overseas is dreadful.   (I could and will say this about ANY work sent offshore, but am holding this particular blog post to transcription.)

What makes this whole topic even more irritating to me is that when someone searches the word ‘transcription’, or ‘transcription news’, or even ‘American transcription’ – 90 percent, if not more, that shows up in that search are articles about off-shoring transcription, offshore transcription companies.  The biggest part of the remaining 10 percent of those same results are US MTs complaining about their work.  (Rest assured, this blog post is not going to do that.  This one tries to answer the question why and at the same time show why you shouldn’t.)

After working so hard to fight the occurrence of off-shoring medical transcription, and doing a little research of my own, opening my own transcription company and dealing with 100s of transcriptionists here in the United States, I think I may have part of the answer – and it won’t be liked by those in my profession – but it is my opinion, and I never hold back when I see a fight worth fighting.  Hell, I am not known to hold back on anything – so why start now.

I think a large part of the reason is the arrogance many seasoned transcriptionist have come to have about their abilities and how they spread that around to the newbies just entering the business.   So much arrogance that they make it difficult themselves for someone to want to consider utilizing them.

Arrogance?  What do I mean?

I certainly do not want to imply we are not absolutely the best people to hire, or that we do not absolutely deserve everything we want.  Doesn’t everyone who spends most of their adult life learning their trade and taking pride in their abilities?

So what do I mean?

I mean that so many US transcriptionists have multiple expectations and demands in order for YOU to hire US.  We want steady work, even if you are slow.  We want higher rates, even if you don’t get it back in your fee workup.  We want to do the reports the way we have always done them, regardless of whether you have your own way of dictating.  We want to decide that what you dictate and how you dictate is food for fodder, and may even change it without understanding your desires and thoughts during the process.  We want to correct those words you “make up”, even if to you and the patient, they are critical.  We want to be considered independent contractors, but want employment benefits.

I mean if the only part of that original search results for American transcription mentioned above shows up with actual US transcriptionist results yet with them complaining about their work – why on earth would anyone want to hire them?  They certainly wouldn’t be considered in any other profession if they were found to be this difficult to work with.

No, it is not all the fault of the US transcriptionist.

No, I don’t think that is the whole picture. I think that many of the medical professionals and hospital systems, even insurance companies, feel that by sending the work off-shore they can (& are) bypassing some of the strict privacy laws and regulations set up here in the US making it easier for them to save a buck – not so much in the actual dictation/transcription/editing process –  but in other administrative areas.

I don’t claim to know the ins and outs of hospital administration and financial burdens they have, but I do have a background in various areas of the medical profession, including medical records, billing, and coding (another profession going overseas), and of course, transcription and do know many of the state and federal laws regarding these areas and HIPAA.  I can see where the money would be saved when regulations can be “ignored” or ‘side-stepped’ when using an off-shore transcription company.


Another problem is that those medical professionals who do not want to off-shore their dictations but are in fact unaware that that is exactly what is happening.  They made contact with an American Transcription Company and thought their work would be done here, but in fact, many of the larger transcription companies send their files overseas so they, too, can save a buck.   Simply checking their website for contact information would provide this information, but some don’t even mention that.  Unless you work or worked there, you would never know.  Unless you do your research, you may never know – unless you’re the editor of the reports or the administrator of the company.


Bringing the transcription work back to the US is going to take much effort.  I know this – I live it everyday.  Others seem to think it’s a matter of just demanding it be done and forcing the government to demand it be done. To some extent this is true.  I would add that it is going to take the patients, whose information is being sent offshore, to push buttons and demand the information stay here.  It is going to take hospital administrators, insurance company executives, and physicians to not only want to have their dictations transcribed here, but incentives be given to them if they do.  You know, those same incentives given to other companies to offshore their work. 


And most importantly, it is going to take the US transcriptionist to understand that either we change the way we think about our own careers, and change the way we think about our potential clients and their responsibilities, and either love what we do enough to do a great job with a little bit more flexibility in our own demands and expectations, and going the extra step to research while completing our work, and continuing our education, to allow others to see that having a US transcriptionist do the job is the best practice for everyone.


Transcription is one, if not the, fastest growing, most in-demand work product of the new millennium.  Imagine the jobs generated if we just kept it here.  Imagine the economic growth for thousands of individuals in the US.  Imagine the ability to add a piece of safety to our personal identity. – We love what we do enough to help you save time and money.

What’s new at CLK? I found some time and money!

After many years of handling the website of CLK myself, I finally realized the best route to go this time was to bring on a professional to review, work with me, and clean up and update everything.

I am not sorry I did it.

They say you have to spend a little to make a little.  They are right.

Yes, I am upgrading my website, and yes, I decided to let the professionals handle it so I had time to do what makes my clients happiest – transcribe, re-record, convert, and develop the best transcription, audio/video, and Excel projects ever.


I followed my own advice.


I say it all the time – let us save you time and money and allow you to have that extra time to handle your other important aspects of your project or your life.


There have been blogs written about it.  There have been posts about it.  There have been Tweets about it.  Many others have found how hiring a transcription company can free up much-needed time, which in the long run, allows more money to be generated when you can promote your business, continue with the current project, or market for a new one.  It can also find you the time to cook that special meal, attend a soccer game, all the really important things – spending time with family and friends.

Now I can be sincere and say I know this firsthand by practicing what I preach.  Now I know even better, how important that time is.  You should too!


Whether it is…

  • voice mail transcription so you can shop, meet, or just enjoy a day out,or
  • audio transcription of your interviews, webinars, radio shows for your article, book, or other project, or
  • development of electronic copy of your white paper, or even conversion of your cassettes and DVDs to electronic audio…

… in order to save or share with others, having someone else handle it at a fair price in a reasonable time while maintaining quality, can save you time and money too.


CLK Transcription is a US owned and operated transcription company that handles all types of projects; medical and non- medical.  We have a full staff of independent contractors with specialization in areas of banking, brokerage, health, family, education, sex, history, science, relationships – you name it.

We are transcriptionists, not just medical transcriptionists.  We love what we do and we have the experience to do it right, no matter the topic.

We do not use speech recognition and we never off-shore your work. From mere seconds to hours of audio, partial page or pages and pages of white paper – your work is done by professional transcriptionists using their experienced ear…not a machine.


If you want to find that time and money everyone is looking for, check us out.  We are just an email away from starting your project and our services will help to increase your productivity.


Stay tuned for our new website.  It should be up and completely overhauled shortly.  Until then, I am back to work doing what I love to do now that I have time to do it – transcribing.




The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! Do you need more time?

Just when you think you have it all figured out and get into that groove of starting and completing your projects, the holidays sneak up on you, not to mention the end of the year, preparing for taxes and possibly new marketing of your own.  There just isn’t enough hours in the day, days in the week, or weeks in the month to finish everything you need to accomplish.


Whether you are a journalist, author, or ghost writer with interviews, student or parent with educational projects or IEPs, business professional with round tables and meetings, speaker or presenter with webinars, conferences, or audio blogs – this is the time of year where time to complete all of your projects AND meet family and personal demands is so difficult to find.


You clients, editors, and educators want and demand more and more of your attention, because they too know the end of the year is coming and there is so much to do to prepare for that and the coming holidays.  And your family – they just want you and your attention so you can celebrate with them.


Some may be able to juggle their projects and personal demands, but why juggle?


The team at CLK Transcription works through the holiday and allows you the gift of time to do those things that in the minds of your family and friends can be more important than your project .  We also offer gift certificates for that important person in your life that may be hesitant to let go of some of the workload.


Yes we do voice mail, so you can be on the road and still not miss that important call. It can be transcribed and sent right to your cell phone.


Yes, we do medical transcription of office notes, Op reports, narratives, etcetera – so even if you have in-house staff to transcribe, when your staff is on vacation, we can cover for them.


Yes, we convert DVDs, CDs, Cassettes, to MP3s.  Yes, we convert hard copy media to electronic Word documents.


And for those that want to save a few trees, yes we can develop electronic signatures for you so you do not need to print every document for a signature.

We offer a confidentiality agreement to all of our clients, and have handled project files from 12 seconds to 80 hours. We never use speech recognition.


So, if  you need to find some time to take on additional work, spend with family, or celebrate a holiday and get your project done all at the same time – and could use some money saved in the process – check out CLK Transcription.  We would love to assist you with your transcription needs.


We have a team of transcriptionists that can handle your audio transcription on a wide range of topics, utilizing our knowledge base and research abilities to offer you quality transcripts at a cost that is well below the national average.


We are owned and operated here in the US.  ESLs are welcome however we do not off shore our work, ever.   Many of our team are Veterans or family members of Active Duty Servicemen and women. We support our troops.


We want to save you time and money and allow you to enjoy the season and prepare for the New Year.  So come on, check us out and find out why we come so highly recommended.


We are an e-mail away from assisting you with your next project.

Twitter = @CLK_Shortcake
Facebook =

LinkedIn =




So much work, so little willing workers? I don’t think so.

Many have heard this and many use this as an excuse to send their work offshore.

It may be true for some industries.  In others, like transcription, it is not.  What may be true is that there are so many workers who have become accustomed to demanding rates and salaries that are no longer feasible.  Now that does not mean they don’t deserve the pay they wish to demand.  So what does it mean?

It means with the economy the way it is and the ability for so many to take the easiest, cheapest way and send their work offshore – even if the American people find the results sub-par – the workers have to adjust their way of thinking about work.  Where five years ago you could charge someone $70 to 100 for an hour of audio, no one is making enough money to be able to pay that now, especially when off-shoring has become an option.

Do you want to work and earn money in one of the fastest growing industries, where you can prove your worth and work up to a level that is doable for both you and the client?  Or do you want to sit at home and be able to view word boards, transcription forums, complaining about no work, low pay, and the demands of the clients that you do have?

In an industry where the majority of the workers are independent contractors, in essence their own business, the fact that many feel they can bash, dismiss, and essentially burn bridges with those clients that are allowing them to earn any kind of income is astonishing.  In an industry where the quality of work is essential to the client, yet the IC transcriptionist will question the work requirements or ignore them totally, is simply not acceptable.  Not to the private client, and not to the small business that utilizes ICs, such as myself.

Where once an IC could charge X amount for transcription, it just isn’t possible anymore.  You are dealing with physicians who are being bled dry by their own economic drama and journalists, educators and other persons who may develop audio for transcription that are a cog in the economic wheel that turns slowly as well.

I have heard the IC blame clients for the lack of pay and lack of work, but in reality it is the idea that no matter what the economic situation on the world, some in the transcription industry feel they can demand a rate and have no understanding of what clients must do to stay within their budgets – and when I say clients, I mean the smaller transcription companies, the journalists, the educators, the students, and the doctors.  Those that have the potential to work with us to bring back and keep the transcription jobs here in the US.

No one should work for peanuts.  But when a newbie, someone just starting out, or a seasoned transcriptionist wants to keep working and earning money – taking a dip in the rate they may have asked for years ago while maintaining the quality they demand, is one way to insure you will remain working and the transcription needs of the client kept here in the US.

As a company that could easily offshore every bit of work I get and probably make more money than I do by not, I prefer to work with my clients to meet their budget demands, and as we prove ourselves, when the situation turns around, those rates will pick up – but until then, we are working, we are honing our skills, and we are growing.  Sure my rates are a bit lower than the national norm to my clients, but they are on point with the national norm to the IC – even if on the lower level of that norm, and there is work to be done.  It is the ICs that look back to even just five years ago, and think those rates are still obtainable.

I know that by being true, honest, and accommodating to the clients I have, they will be appreciative and be around a while.  I find the same can be said about the ICs I utilize.  I also know that without clients there is no work, and without the assistance of some absolutely wonderful ICs, I have no business.  Being able to juggle the needs of both can be difficult.  I do my best.

Having work today, in my opinion, is much better than having time to sit on web forum boards complaining about having no work, or the rate of pay you can garner from doing it.

Here at CLK Transcription, I would like to think that the respect I give my clients and those ICs that assist me with the workflow would come back to me two-fold – and it does.  I love what I do and helping others find their way to loving it too, is a wonderful feeling.

There is lots of work, and there are lots of wonderfully talented, capable US transcriptionists willing to handle it.

Check us out.  Find out why we come highly recommended.  You will not be disappointed.

Need a US medical transcription company? CLK Transcription does that too!

Although I have a deep and profound love for the journalist, ghost writer, and others who need non-medical transcription, my roots are in the medical field beginning many years ago with insurance verification, medical records, home health care administrator, and then on to medical transcription with another company, I do enjoy the medical client as well.

I treat each and every one of my clients as my only client.  Each one has their preferences, demands, and expectations.  I could never cookie-cutter their work.  Especially the medical reports.

I know that when a client needs me, they need me, and I give them everything I can.  I work with their deadlines, their requests, and their sometime outrageous expectations with a smile and always try to meet even their hardest challenge.  I haven’t had problems yet, because I have a great team behind me and we love the challenge.

Medical transcription is even more difficult – with accuracy and format being most important for strict legal and continuing health care concerns.  I worked with JCAHO and state agencies during audit periods and know that reports should always follow format throughout the practice of a physician.  When there is a difference, the agencies auditing sometimes feel those reports could have been “amended” to pass an audit, rather than original reports. Many other transcription companies think they know best and make changes because it works for them, without consideration for the client’s demands

The TAT for medical reports is extremely tight and must be met.  There are times that a patient’s care is on hold for the return of reports. And if there is any question of the information within the report, this too can hold up patient care. There is no guessing with medical reports.  The difference between b.i.d. and t.i.d. is costly and could mean a life.

A physician is under extreme pressure to ensure that all information is documented accurately and timely.  Many hospitals even require physicians to dictate every change in medication and other items that used to be documented in the chart, but not in report format.  This requirement is to lower the risk for malpractice claims. I think it is wonderful because it means better continuity of care for me – the patient.  It comes with a price though.

These demands placed on physicians has been a cause for increase in fees.  The physicians have had to hire in-house staff to handle the transcription, and in those cases, must offer all the benefits that employment calls for.  If they choose to send their work outside of the office, many have chosen to send it offshore to save money.  This is costly to the patient and the doctor.  Costly o the patient because their information – everything from name and address to family history, social history, and all medical information is now available in a country that does not have to answer to our regulations.  Costly to the physician because when you hire someone who has English as a second language, you will ultimately get a report with the same second-rate English causing second-rate information in reports that must be proofed and edited by another staff member – or the physician himself – which costs even more time and money.

Because I strive to keep the US transcription of all of our US-based clients within our borders I have kept my rates lower, hopefully to save the client, but also to allow the work to be transcribed within the US, safely and at the same time by US transcriptionists who have paid thousands to educate themselves in this field and thousands more to maintain their training and education – and understand the English language .

So, yes, I do profoundly enjoy the non-medical portion of my business, but the medical side is also my heart and a large part of the enjoyment of what I do.

CLK Transcription offers physician and other medical professionals an alternative to in-house staff and the cost of that employment and benefits, as well as allowing the physician the opportunity to help keep work here in the US and our personal information safe all at the same time, without worry about someone understanding the English language, saving even more money on editing and proofing.  And we offer a quick TAT saving time in a person’s care.

CarolLee and the ICs that are utilized by CLK  have had extensive training and education in all specialties of the medical profession, either through past/present full-time professions (nursing, PA, etc) or through extensive training through various educational programs…and of course, our own personal/family medical history, which at times has been the best form of continuing education of all.  We also offer every client a confidentiality agreement and live and breathe by it.

So, whether it is a GP, oncologist, dermatologist, radiologist, podiatrist, physical therapist, dietitian, endocrinologist, or other specialty of medicine – we can do that!

There is no contract, but we like to think that after you try us, you will come back to us and find out just how much we can save you – time and money.

We offer a line or page rate that is below the national average but our quality is priceless.

Contact carollee@clktranscription for details.

Check us out on Facebook:


Want to see our recommendations? Find us on LinkedIn, where they may be reviewed.

Need a weekend warrior for your audio transcription? Dissertations, interviews, IEPs, meetings, and more. We can do that!

Many of us see the weekend as a relaxation period, or at least we would like to.  Most times however, after all our professional responsibilities are complete, we need to use the weekend as our catch up time for household chores and personal responsibilities and needs.

We use this time to do our household chores that get pushed aside during our hectic workweek.  We look at Friday night as our date night, and a time to chill with friends.  The weekend is our time to spend with family and friends we do not have time to catch up with during the workweek.

Then of course there are the special weekends.  Those that have things like the Super Bowl, weddings, reunions, and other special functions that we want to enjoy.  Of course, lately, many of us need the weekend to clean up after all the snowfall of late.


CLK Transcription appreciates your need and desire to enjoy the weekend and be free of the “homework” that many journalists and students and other busy professionals find is carried over to the weekend.  We never close.


If you have audio files or hard copy conversions that you find yourself working on during those precious weekend hours, why not check out a transcription company to assist you with them.

Here at CLK Transcription, we have helped hundreds of journalists, educators, students, physicians, and other professionals by working through the weekend so they don’t have to.

We can turn around your audio, usually within 12 to 24 hours and let you enjoy your weekend and get done those other items on your to-do list.

Whether it is your dissertation audios, interview audios, patient records, meeting minutes, round table discussions, IEPs, or things like a conversion of your diary to an electronic copy – we can do that!  Whether you are a ghost writer, journalist, publisher, student, parent, educator, physician, or other professional, we have the experience you need to give you the quality you demand.

We have experience with all ranges of topics – from banking and brokerage, entertainment, technical and obscure, health and beauty, family life, to all specialties of medicine and more.

We also have many ways to save!  Our prices are already below the national norm, but we like to work with our clients to meet their other demands – budgetary.

We offer educational discounts for those with projects focused on furthering their education or for the parents and educators dealing with IEPs or other educational material.  We offer referrals discounts to our existing clients who make referrals of our services, and extend a referral discount to new clients who connect with us on Twitter or FB.


So, when you face a weekend with “homework” and are trying to fit in all those other personal items that are just as important – why not let us assist you with your transcription needs?


There is no minimum, no contract, and always a confidentiality agreement for EVERY client.


Find out what hundreds of others have discovered – CLK Transcription can save you time and money.  Most importantly – we love what we do!




Dear interviewer, you are a great interviewer but…a Transcriptionist’s point of view.

One of CLK Transcriptions independent contractors asked why we are never interviewed for a story.  Then she realized we are too busy transcribing your audio to stop.  She did however have some thoughts and suggestions on how to make transcribing your audio of other interviews a bit more transcription friendly – whether we transcribe your audio, someone else transcribes your audio – or even YOU transcribe your own audio.


Many of these I have mentioned before, but I had to share her comments as a worker bee trying to save you time and money.



Dear Interviewer:


Please check your equipment.  Growls, howls, static, etc, in your audio make accurate transcription difficult, but knowing ahead of time helps me to prepare.

Also, when interviewing outside, in a crowd, or say with an ambulance passing by during the discussion, understand that unless you repeat some of the conversation when that pesky ambulance drove by, there may be some blanks.  Try to consider better placement of your microphone in those situations.  The best place for the microphone is not next to the plate and glass, or even the paperwork that you will be moving around.  We hear the noise first.  It isn’t that we can’t do it; we love the challenge, but proper placement leads to better end product.  We understand it isn’t always possible, so again, just give us a heads up that you are aware the audio is difficult and that helps us prepare as well.  Also, you may want to be sure that you have the interview and not just your side of the conversation on the audio.  Listening to the audio yourself also helps when you think you are sending a recording thinking it is one thing and well, it isn’t.


Those words you spoke when yawning or belching, or coughing and sneezing, really are hard to decipher.  Could you repeat that please?  It is impolite to stop in the middle and speak to someone else – we do not know if you want that transcribed, unless you are ordering dinner.  And please, as busy as we know you are, please leave the chewing and bathroom breaks out of the audio.

Please allow your interviewees to finish a sentence without interruption whenever possible.  I can’t decipher his/her responses accurately if I can’t hear them fully – and we hate having a blank in your report.  And I always wonder whose part of the conversation is the most important and should be in the transcript when I can’t clearly hear both speakers and you ask me to clean it up for you.

Please call your interviewees by name early in the conversation so his/her name can be inserted during the article rather than “interviewee”.  A find-replace only takes a few seconds but keep in mind I’m paid by the audio minute and seconds matter.

When an interviewee is using a “unique” technical or medical term, please repeat the word – or send it with the audio in your e-mail.  Hearing it correctly will help me search for the correct spelling.  This would be especially helpful when you are interviewing someone whose accent is other than American English.  When possible, especially with those pesky obscure names, spelling it helps.  Spelling HABITAT doesn’t; we know how to spell that, but when you have a name like Nahuat, spelling helps.

Also, when possible, giving us a bit of a background – speakers names, websites, etc – on the topic of the discussion.  This helps us research words and phrases so you don’t have to.   We do not all watch every TV show produced, so even the title of the show so we can research names and characters, is a help.

Also verifying the length of the audio you are sending so we know there was no problem with the download.

Let us know if you need the file immediately.  It may mean a stat fee, but this is not always the case.  It helps us help you when we know your projected TAT for the audio.  Whether its needed later int he day or the next morning, even if a week away.  (Yes, we have clients who actually give us a week to turn around a document, but we haven’t ever taken advantage of that yet.)

Recording and transcribing chitchat is a waste of your money.  I understand the importance of the “break the ice” conversation at the beginning of an interview.  If this conversation is not necessary to the article you are writing, please let us know when to start transcribing and we will skip it and we both save time and money.

Take into consideration that to transcribe your audio is at minimum three times the length of the audio – total transcription time and proofing.  And that is with a clear audio.  If you have a stat/priority that is four hours long, don’t expect it by evening if sent at 1 p.m., especially if poor quality.  We take extra time with difficult audio to ensure we got everything possible.  Again, we sometimes work miracles, so it doesn’t hurt to ask, but the more time you allow us, the more relaxed we can be knowing we are giving you our best and not a rush job where something always suffers.  And sending that stat at midnight for return the next morning, even if only 10 minutes long, really is a difficult task for us.  We occasionally sleep too, but if you give us a heads up early in the day to expect it, guess what – we can do that!


Lastly, if you send a file and we do not confirm receipt within 15 minutes, there may have been a glitch in the e-mail.  We always confirm receipt – usually within 15 minutes.  If you don’t hear from us, verify receipt.  And when you send us a file today of less than an hour, if you do not have it by tomorrow – check with us.  We rarely have a file of an hour or less for more than 24 hours.  These things really bother us because we do not like you to think we aren’t doing our best to assist you meet your deadline.


Thank you for listening.  We just want to be able to get you your reports as quickly as possible with the quality you demand.  These little tips may help.


Signed me

Transcriptionist who loves what she does.

Think you are dealing with an American Transcription Company – Think again

One of my pet peeves is the sending of our valuable information, not to mention work – over seas.  I have spoken about it, blogged about it and posted about it.

I don’t want any of my information sent outside of the US, but especially my medical information – it has everything from my social history to my family history to my identifying information.  I have urged everyone to check with their doctors to see if they are aware of their dictations being sent off shore, and have even stated that many hospitals and doctors do not know that the work is being sent off shore.  They send it to a large company here and then they send it off shore without ever disclosing it.  many even touting USA only.

I got the following email.  I get them often but this one just got under my skin.  Read it carefully.  See what actually happens here in the US and what is sent off shore.  This to me is scary.  Our personal information, our jobs, and for some the reason to continue their education.  Why?  Because they do not wish to travel to China, India or the Phillipines to work.


Here is the body of the email.  Nothing has been altered.  I have however removed the contact info but if you really want to buy it – you can Google and find it.  I am not interested.  CLK TRANSCRIPTION DOES NOT OFF SHORE ANYTHING EVER!


Highly Profitable Mid-Atlantic Medical Transcription Business

Opportunity Executive Summary: Highly Profitable and efficiently run MTSO started in 1991, serving small to medium size hospitals, clinics, and practices. In 1998 owner went to the Philippines and set up, what is now, the longest running Philippine MT operation to do all the MTSO’s work. At an all-in cost of 6.7 CPL, this operation handles virtually everything to do with the MTSO. The US operation consists of the owner, his wife and a part time employee. The entire US operation requires approximately 15-20 hrs of work per week, answering calls from new clients etc. Most everything to do with day to day operations takes place in the Philippines. The owners desire to retire creates a truly outstanding opportunity to own one of most profitably run MTSOs we’ve seen.

2010 Financial Highlights:

Revenue: $636,613

COGS:       $313,731(49%)

SDE: $262,596 (41%)

2011 Projected Revenue $700,000.

Customers: Owner has cultivated strong, enduring relationships with an excellent client base of hospitals, clinics and physician practices throughout the US. Customers pay an average of 12.2 CPL.

  % of 2010  Revenue Year Became Client
Heart Hosp 27% 2005  
Ortho Clinic 12% 2001  
Medical Group 11% 2005  
University Hosp 6% 2000  
Oncology and Hemo Clinic 6% 2007  
Hospital 4% 2008  
Physician Practice 4% 2008  
Physician Practice 2% 2007  
Pulmonary Clinic 2% 1999  
Neurodiagnostic Clinic 2% 2006  
Other 23%  

Philippine Transcription Operation: Owner has exclusive long term contract with the oldest and most respected MT operation in the Philippines. The owner contracts with the Philippine operation at an all-in cost that averages 6.7 cents per line (6.5CPL for regular, 8.5CPL for regular STATS.) Owner speaks very highly of the Philippine operation, which he founded, has worked with for over twenty years and believes is the key to this highly profitable and well run operation. Owner indicates that buyer could have a new contract with Philippine operation or, after the owner is paid off, choose to direct the work to MTs of the buyer’s choice.

State Side Operation:
Owner, Spouse and one part time employee, working a combined 15-20 hours per week. Owner believes the part time employee would be willing to increase her hours and could handle the state side operation for a new experienced MTSO operator.

Technology: MTSO on its own platform, which is in the process of being updated to a Web based version. Owner has bid to complete upgrade by March for $45,000. Buyer may elect to complete upgrade or migrate customers to buyer’s platform.

Further Information: To receive further information on this opportunity, please submit the attached confidentiality agreement to _____________

If we already have your CA on file, please email indicating your interest.

Tim Kruse
Kruse Acquisitions, LLC