Spring is finally here!

The weather is changing, and it looks like Spring has finally arrived in more than just a few states. Those of us in the Northeast thought it would never arrive with snow, snow and more snow, and then teasing temps in the 60s and 70s, only to have yet more snow the next day.

Yes, Spring has finally arrived! The winter of 2013-2014 has many still waiting for the buds on the trees to begin showing themselves leaving us wondering if we will have any leaves at all to clean up next fall.

But YES! Spring is really here – FINALLY.

The weather is changing and people are once again venturing out without their winter jackets, hats, and gloves, to enjoy the warmth of the sun. The hibernation is over. Cabin fever and winter blues will soon be long forgotten.

Vacations are being planned, graduations are on the horizon, proms are being anticipated. Gardens are being laid out, and husbands are looking forward to the outside chores that will soon be on the ‘honey-do-list’. (okay, maybe that is pushing it a bit.)

There are so many family activities to enjoy now that the temps are rising and the shining sun does more than just melt the fallen snow away.

For the journalists, ASJA is also held this week. The time to educate and be educated, connect and be connected, and meet up with those friends from all over the nation will once again be here. I know so many who look forward to this week every year. It is planned to perfection, talked about all year, looked forward to by all. Those who cannot attend trust that the events will be recapped by the great conversations that will go on and on until the next event, never tiring of listening to every word, while they do what they can to ensure they attend next year.

Yes, Spring is here!

And most importantly, candy, especially peeps, will be on sale tomorrow.


Happy Easter every one, and enjoy Spring!



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