10 Interview tips others don’t tell you…
I have read so many blogs etc on great interview tips etc. Here are some that I would love to have shared with potential candidates from my past:
1. Be sure to clean your eye glasses. Having smudges or even mascara rubbed on them is distracting when I am talking to you. You may not see them, but I do.
2. Be sure to brush your teeth – again very distracting.
3. Take it easy on the cologne. I may have asthma, or at least may have by the time you leave.
4. I do not want to see you butt or breasts, so keep them covered please.
5. Don’t call me honey – yes you women too. I am not hun, honey, or sweetheart.
6. Don’t lie on your resume and then forget what you had on it. And keep in mind, I do verify references.
7. When I ask what your best qualities are – don’t tell me getting along with others and then tell me you left old job due to personality conflicts. You see my point here don’t you?
8. When explaining your past responsibilities, don’t lay in with how the old supervisor was a bitch – that just means you will be calling me names too one day.
9. Don’t introduce yourself as Jane /John Doe and then say but all my ID says Julie/Josh Adams. I will have some questions…
10. Don’t show up a half hour early with your lunch to the interview and ask if you can use the waiting room as your cafeteria. Leave your food and drink in the car. It probably won’t be long before you will be joining it anyway.
And if/when hired, keep in mind:
1. If the back of your SS card says do not laminate, and you laminate it – I cannot accept it as ID. Don’t yell at me, you laminated it.
2. The law tells me I have to ask for your documentation – if you don’t have it, please get it before your first day of work. You should be old enough to have your VALID driver’s license, SS card and or passport available. You needed it at your last job, so please bring it to this one too. Not my law. Again, don’t yell at me.
3. Don’t show up late for your first day – first week – first month.
4. Don’t come to work and then take 20 minutes in the bathroom to fix yourself up. Come in 10 minutes early and be working when your start time arrives.
5. Don’t ask me for an advance the first day on the job. Prove your worth to me, and earn your paycheck.
Others may not concern themselves with these tidbits of information, but I do.
Thank you and happy job hunting!
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