Things I Love About Being a Transcriptionist
Just a few of the fun things that make others go “why?” and me go “why not?”
1. The audio sent at 9 a.m. and need back by 10 a.m. – of course it is a 50 minute file.
2. The audio sent that has only the interviewer (oops).
3. The audio recorded outside in a crowded restaurant and the recorder is placed on the table next to the clinking glasses. (not to mention the full mouths or the recorder taken to the bathroom by the doctor taking a moment to handle more than one business matter.)
4. The audio with so many false starts, you can’t figure out what is being said at all. You know, I mean, but, yes, just like that.
5. The speaker who says one thing so often you can auto-text it – pick one – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, right. You know. Okay, okay, okay. I mean. UHM,
6. The doctor that starts out with the right hand, goes on to the left hand, comes back to the right hand and then says “transcriptionist please fix” without noting which is correct.
7. The audio recorded on cell phone while driving through a tunnel so that every other word sounds like “OLIKEALHED”.
8. The audio with ESL (English Second Language), which is usually fine, except that this time they speak in half-broken English and half whatever language is native. Something like, “Hello. Yes ja razumijem što si rekao very clearly.”
9. The speaker who thinks we can SEE what they are pointing at. “This here is what we call this column here.”
10. The speaker who truly believes sounds can be transcribed understandably and uses them throughout their speech. Swoosh, Whoot, Whrrr whrrr.
Seriously…all very treasured moments in my line of business, especially when we can produce the best possible document in spite of it all.
We learn about things – random things through our work. Ask me about cloud computing, real estate, foods, benchmarks, loan rates, pension plans, student savings plans, the stock market, parenting, any medical illness, drugs, LGBT and the military, credit scores, the movies, empowerment, the economy, and yes – the best new sex secrets and gadgets too. (Actually you can ask, but unless its published, we take our confidentiality of all work we do very, very seriously, so we may not answer – but you can ask.)
From seminars, to one on one interviews, to multiple speaker interviews (where everyone speaks at once), to presentations, coaching calls (no not the sex topic) to website material for posting, celebrity interviews, round table discussions, educational reports, and even voice mails. If it is in any audio format or even written form – we can convert it into a document that will knock your socks off most times. (Sex topic especially).
My career choice is an ongoing education with many, many educators. They are not our words. They are not our stories – we just make it a bit easier for you to get yours out there.
Learning is part of my job. Transcribing is my career. Loving what I do makes being a transcriptionist so much fun and worthwhile.