Want to save up to $50 on Transcription Services in addition to paying lower per minute rates? Who doesn’t? #in

CLK Transcription is proud to be able to maintain rates that are lower than the national average, yet provide the quality and speed with every project file we transcribe. We know how important all of those things are to our clients.

It is a commitment CLK made many years ago.

CLK Transcription works hard to help their clients with budgetary and time restrictions in their work, and with an average of 115 new referrals every year for three (3) years in a row, and over 800 project files every month, we appreciate every ‘word of mouth’ referral we receive.

We love what we do and we always have room for more!

We offer discounts throughout the year to assist our clients in the ‘saving money’ part of their project needs, and offer timely return of quality reports to assist with meeting or beating their deadlines, allowing them the time to handle other aspects of the project, or their life.

The Referral Reward opportunity is just one of those offers.

Refer a friend so they, too, can save time and money and increase their productivity, or just have time for friends and family, and you can receive up to $50 off our invoice generated in February 2014.

Connect with CLK Transcription on Twitter (CLK_Shortcake), LinkedIn (CarolLee Streeter Kidd), or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CLKTrans) and make two (2) new referrals to CLK Transcription during January 2014, and you could receive $25 off your invoice for each referral you make.

YEAH! If you are reading this, we must be connected, so you are halfway there.

New referrals’ projects must be a minimum of 90 minutes of audio transcription during January 2014 and invoices must be paid promptly.The Referral Reward will be reflected on your invoice generated in February 2014.

Referrals you make with smaller projects could be eligible for up to $5 Referral Reward (per referral) if new referral invoices are paid promptly.

Be sure your referrals mention you when they contact us.

The Referral Reward Offer is valid through January 2014. Those with outstanding balances over 30 days as of February 1, 2014, are not eligible. Referral Reward must be used during February 2014 and cannot be carried over or ‘gifted’.

Referrals using any of our non-transcription services will be evaluated for Reward on a case-by-case basis. Contact CarolLee@clktranscription.com for more details.

Want to save up to $50 on Transcription Services in addition to paying lower per minute rates? Who doesn’t? #in

CLK Transcription is proud to be able to maintain rates that are lower than the national average, yet provide the quality and speed with every project file we transcribe. We know how important all of those things are to our clients.

It is a commitment CLK made many years ago.

CLK Transcription works hard to help their clients with budgetary and time restrictions in their work, and with an average of 115 new referrals every year for three (3) years in a row, and over 800 project files every month, we appreciate every ‘word of mouth’ referral we receive.

We love what we do and we always have room for more!

We offer discounts throughout the year to assist our clients in the ‘saving money’ part of their project needs, and offer timely return of quality reports to assist with meeting or beating their deadlines, allowing them the time to handle other aspects of the project, or their life.

The Referral Reward opportunity is just one of those offers.

Refer a friend so they, too, can save time and money and increase their productivity, or just have time for friends and family, and you can receive up to $50 off our invoice generated in February 2014.

Connect with CLK Transcription on Twitter (CLK_Shortcake), LinkedIn (CarolLee Streeter Kidd), or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CLKTrans) and make two (2) new referrals to CLK Transcription during January 2014, and you could receive $25 off your invoice for each referral you make.

YEAH! If you are reading this, we must be connected, so you are halfway there.

New referrals’ projects must be a minimum of 90 minutes of audio transcription during January 2014 and invoices must be paid promptly.The Referral Reward will be reflected on your invoice generated in February 2014.

Referrals you make with smaller projects could be eligible for up to $5 Referral Reward (per referral) if new referral invoices are paid promptly.

Be sure your referrals mention you when they contact us.

The Referral Reward Offer is valid through January 2014. Those with outstanding balances over 30 days as of February 1, 2014, are not eligible. Referral Reward must be used during February 2014 and cannot be carried over or ‘gifted’.

Referrals using any of our non-transcription services will be evaluated for Reward on a case-by-case basis. Contact CarolLee@clktranscription.com for more details.


Always read the email. You could be missing something important.

I get upwards of 50 emails a day from independent contractors looking to “break into” the transcription world, or from seasoned transcriptionists looking for extra work.

I welcome them all. I am always looking for new talent to assist with the projects I have to handle. I also enjoy watching newbies to CLK learn and grow into their skill through hands-on experience and reviewing information provided with any necessary edits on their work. Over the years, I can almost always tell if they are someone who will love the work as much as I do.

I can tell because they are the ones who have read the email…I can’t be the only business that has these issues, but I can only speak for myself, so here it goes…

For every 10 that make contact with me asking for information…yes, they make contact with me…five actually read the email replies I send to them, but only one will follow directions.

Yes, in all fairness, I admit my emails are long and very detailed, but only because it saves us both time. I want them to know what they are getting themselves into being a vendor for CLK before I take time out of my schedule to set them up and begin working with them.

IF they read it and reply that they understand what I am looking for as their client, that they understand they are an IC and what that means, and that they understand the tools necessary to provide me quality service, I then spend time setting them up, preparing for the time I will spend working with them on the first assignment, and then setting up the proofing team to work with them.

How do I know they do not read the replies? Simple.

I send two emails. One with all the information about my company and what I expect from my ICs. I ask them simply to “reply to me that you understand and have done your due diligence into what it means to be an independent contractor with CLK, and that you can begin setup within three days from the date you reply to this email.”

I also ask for professional courtesy of a declination reply if they have decided, after their due diligence, that this is not for them – but that is a whole other blog post…

Again, 10 will reply that they are “ready to go” sometimes the same day, sometimes a week later. When I receive the reply to that first email, I send a second email with the setup information needed to begin accepting assignments and again ask them to make sure they can, at the very least, complete setup and get me the documentation I need within three days…

Now here is how I know who reads my emails.

Out of every ten ICs sent that second email, five may actually be ready for setup within three days. another 5 never come on for setup but will come back to me weeks later and wonder why I don’t have a spot for them.

Out of the five who complete setup within the three days, two will never come on for an assignment and I will have wasted at least a day on my side of the setup process. Three will come on for an assignment; one of which will never communicate with me and never return the assignment, one will complete the first assignment and then need to take a week or two away for personal reasons, and one ends up a star.

Now anyone who does transcription understands it is a time sensitive and detail oriented job. If you can’t follow the directions for the setup you asked for, how am I to have faith you will follow any other instructions for my assignments?

And if you can’t offer me the timeliness of setup so you can actually accept assignments, how am I to trust you will meet my much faster turn around times for the assignments you requested?

And as an independent contractor, if you can’t offer your client quality and availability, why would I assign any projects to you?

I write this now because it is a new year. I am hoping that I won’t be called names (yes, very unprofessional names from those wishing to be called professionals) because I could not wait for someone to want an assignment. I needed to move on to someone who will take an assignment. CLK is growing and I want the ICs working with me to grow as well.

CLK has a base of 143 ICs available at different times, different days throughout the year. Through great communication, we work together so that everyone is happy. Of course I always look for great talent. ICs do not need to have a  regular schedule, and sometimes it seems like I never have enough ICs available, even when all are on. But it takes communication and great scheduling on everyone’s part.

And yes, I am a client. The CLK team consists of independent contractors and employees who have a marvelous work ethic for their own “business” and they take pride in the work they do for CLK. Together, we do remarkable things for CLK clients.

And those who make it as an IC at CLK,  who showed their client, me, that they truly wanted to be part of the team, did so simply by having read the emails with the information they asked to receive.

If you are interested in accepting assignments as an IC for CLK Transcription, tell me a little about yourself in an email to transcription@clktranscription.com. I will get that first email out to you when time permits. (I do not do resumes. I am not hiring you as an employee. You are truly an IC with CLK.)

If you are in need of outstanding transcription services, we are always accepting new clients and projects. Our standard TAT is within 24 to 36 hours in most cases.  We offer discounts to UPOD, ASJA, AHJC, NASW, FLX, APH, SEJ, SPJ journalists. For more information, email carollee@clktranscription.com.



Why do we love what we do? Here are just a few of the reasons:

“I am a professional opera singer and private voice teacher. Being a performer has its ups and downs, and does not always bring in a steady flow of income. With CLK Transcription, I’m able to work from home and work around my rehearsal/performing schedule. It’s a great second job for a freelance artist like me.” – N. Easter, www.natalieeaster.com


“I love working as an IC for CLK Transcription. CarolLee and Leticia are great to work with and our clients write on so many interesting topics. I’ve learned a lot professionally as well as so much on a variety of different things from cancer research to technology to celebrity blogs. Lastly, being an IC gives me the flexibility I need for my family in being able to work from home. CLK Rocks!” – Doris Regier


“I love being an IC because of the flexible hours I can work. Life can be so hectic. There’s never enough hours in a day. You get to work around your life, not fit your life in around your work. CLK Transcription is a great company to work for. It is a fun transcription job and a great learning experience while working those flexible hours. There are many topics and the work is never boring. I wouldn’t have it any other way!” – D. Henderson


“Transcription fits my lifestyle to a T! I was born with Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism that makes socializing insanely hard. I had nearly accepted that I would just never be able to work, even after my medical transcription training. Then I met CarolLee Kidd and she took a chance on me. Now I have a job I love and I finally feel like an adult. I’m so grateful.” – Amber G.


“The job of a transcriptionist is an ideal one for me! In the first place, reading is one of my favorite activities, and at best the interviews and meetings that I transcribe are like interesting articles from the New Yorker or Vanity Fair magazine, and in the (often celebrity’s) own voice, as well. I could tell of some thrilling moments, but we are sworn to confidentiality. Also, I live out in the Colorado Rockies, a 100-mile round trip to town once a week to pick up mail and stock up. So being able to telecommute from home saves me on gas and time. It also lets me spend most of my time at home, which my dog loves, and I can pursue my art, crafts, and creative knitting with the time saved. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to work remotely and save money on food because you don’t have to buy takeout because you are just too tuckered out to cook (and besides, the pizza places don’t deliver out here, lol.)” – Tanya M.


“Being an IC for CLK Transcription has allowed me to work my own schedule and has given me the opportunity to learn something new from each audio transcribed. Thank you CLK.” – Linda Wert


“Eight years ago my husband and I found out we were going to have a baby. We thought it would be great if I could find a job that I could do from home while raising our child. I had heard a commercial on the radio for a seminar being held for medical transcription work. We decided to go and learn what it was all about. As we sat through the seminar, I realized it was something that could fit my needs quite well. I needed to take a training course to be able to do this. I planned on being finished with the course before I had the baby and hopefully starting to get clients. The baby had other ideas. I went into labor at 27 weeks into my pregnancy. Luckily my baby boy was born healthy, although underdeveloped. He was in the NICU for 79 long days, where I traveled a 45-minute drive one way just to see him every day. Needless to say, this put my coursework on hold. We were very lucky in that we got to bring home a healthy, happy boy at the end of that time. Then life just got in the way. I continued to work my regular job, with my mom helping out to babysit. Work at my regular job just continued to get slower. My hours kept getting cut. I continued looking for a job that I could do from home. In June of this year, I saw an ad for transcription work with CLK Transcription, Inc. I applied and CarolLee got back to me quickly. It was very easy to set it all up to begin my trial period with her. She was very helpful with any questions I had. Before I knew it, I was an Independent Contractor for her company. I absolutely love doing what I do. You can make as little or as much as you want. I can do it whenever I like…and even in my pajamas! I would like to thank CarolLee for giving me the opportunity to do what I’ve wanted to do for a very long time and Leticia for always being so helpful and upbeat every time I contact her.” – Monica P.


“I love what I do because what I do has garnered me wonderful colleagues and connections, and the ability to help others hone and grow their skills is so rewarding to me. Knowing that others enjoy the work as much as I do, and all with the same added goal of stopping the off shore of one of the most off-shored trades – makes it all worthwhile. We give our best because it is all we know how to do. We love our career choice and the clients we assist every day.” – CarolLee Kidd

The only way to provide quality is to understand your clients & their project’s needs. CLK does that!

CLK Transcription, Inc. is a mid-sized USA-based and operated transcription company offering small biz rates. We know what you want and we deliver.

We do not offshore any project (whole or part) and we do not use speech recognition software.

In addition to the medical transcription of physician office notes, H&Ps, Op notes, IMEs, etc., we transcribe for journalists, writers , authors and production companies covering a wide range of topics; from health, economics, family, ecology, and so much more. We are proud to acknowledge our work with hundreds of ASJA, UPOD, APH, FLX, NASW and other freelance journalists, publishers, and television/movie production companies, having been acknowledged in several best sellers, television show credits, and blogs.

We also have expertise in transcribing multi-speaker seminars, conferences, meetings, telecommunications, and much more. We handle multiple annual and semi-annual conferences for many corporations, and transcribe multiple webinars and tele-seminars for corporations and others so that they may share their work and information with others who may not be able to attend.

Also, consider some of our other services:

  • Voice mail transcription to text message,
  • audio/video conversion to MP3 (cassettes or other digital formats),
  • document scanning to editable database (business cards, receipts, etc. – document adaptable to Quickbooks and Quicken programs, among others),
  • hard copy conversion to word/excel doc,
  • and a call-in system, where you can use your phone to make three-way calls to a cloud and hold your interview from any location – whether you have no equipment with you or your equipment fails (this service is available whether we transcribe your audio or not). Or simply call in and leave your notes and we will transcribe them and return to you in any format you desire.
  • FTP Host so you can share your project or specific components with others safely and secure (this service available whether we transcribe your audio or not).

Check out our website and see if there is any service we offer that might help you save time and money. We truly love what we do!
We offer the quality you demand at a cost you can afford. All rates are negotiable to fit your budget. No extra cost for difficult audio. We consider that part of our job!
Contact us at CarolLee@CLKTranscription.com or visit WWW.CLKTranscription.com for details on how we can assist you with your transcription needs. We are LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/clktranscription where our recommendations can be viewed.